What do you do?

I get this question all of the time !

I am comfy working full time & I also have three kids, three dogs, two sons and hockey and the daughter with a passion for life 🤣. One of my full time jobs is Chief Therapist in a Cancer Center , and the other is network marketing with a CBD health & wellness company.., not all of our products have CBD in them, we can get to that later. I also partner with SEINT a beauty company with the EASIEST filter free makeup EVER I love caring for people & I am currently working my online business’ on the nooks and crannies of my day and making part-time income.

To be honest, the network marketing company had me rolling my eyes. YET, has lead me to so many life changing opportunities. Allowing me to learn the industry (I knew nothing) while earning an income, also teaching me how to manage all of my time between my social life and my career and family. Not to mention all the amazing people I have met from all over the world from this one opportunity. Now leading me into a lifestyle I’ve always dreamt of , and financial freedom to say yes to the things that come up as parents, tournaments, concession stands, 🎯 Dollar-spot, bringing friends along. Etc.

How do i do it ?
First; Your not alone, hundreds of people are starting to learn this from ground level every single day! We are only a 2 year old company. Our success rate is insane so NOW is the time. We work together as a team helping each other reach our highest potential.
Second; I am able to provide people with wellness products that ACTUALLY make a difference. Plus, we have a QR code on the bottom of every bottle which makes me feel comfortable knowing what I am taking and what I am paying for. When the results are that good there is no need for any other product.
Lastly; I do all of this through my phone, allowing me to live my crazy life and manage multiple streams of incomes. I run a full time business USDA certified organic, clean beauty & wellness
through all different types of networking tools. Working from WiFi has allowed me to do so much more with my life. Allowing me to take time off and not worry about PTO when ever I need and not worry about not working, and missing out on money. The opportunities are endless when it comes to this lifestyle of making an income.
Now I’m here to help others achieve health and wellness goals. Im also here to teach and help others make an income while learning this amazing industry with me.



I’m so excited that you want to join our community on our journey to feel our best. If you follow along on my platforms you know that I am a supporter on taking care of yourself.

If you feel your best, you’re then able to help others around you.

I’m so blessed to have found a company to work along side of to offer wellness products to people I care about.

I love creating a home that has functionality and warmth and I accredit the ability to get there, by taking care of myself!

When you purchase a basic or starter kit, you are joining the Green Compass community. We have private Facebook pages designed to familiarize yourself with the products and how to get started with educating people on our products.

$49 - basic starter package that gets you full access to your own web link to share with your clients plus 9.99 a month to maintain your back office.

$299- core kit which comes with $600 worth of products and also gets you full access to your own web l
ink to share with your clients and covers the first few months of the 9.99 back office fee

$499- core runners kit which comes with $1000 worth of products and also gets you full access to your own web link to share with your clients and covers the first few months of the 9.99 back office fee

(You have 30 days to upgrade to a kit from joining if you start with the basic pack. Kits are only available to new advocates in the first 30 days)

Join here

Frequently Asked Questions

Let me guide you!

🌱Concerns about THC🌱

Fun fact to share with people about the THC: there is so minimal - .3 max in the product total (in every product that has the THC aka full spectrum) that you could drink the entire bottle and not get high. There are absolutely NO PSYCHOACTIVES added to any GC product. There is a COA (certificate of authenticity QR code on the bottom of every bottle ) that IF you scan with your camera you can see everything in that specific bottle!

Broad spectrum has absolutely no THC


🌱Do you feel tired or different?🌱

So I take CBD as a daily supplement.
It metabolizes like a vitamin so it builds up as you use it. Its from a hemp plant but there are no psychoactives so it gives you all of the benefits from what you would think it is without the high! It’s Farm to table CBD. Ours is made in NC by farmers that control the whole process from the seed to the seal. Organic, herbicide and pesticide free, compliant with all laws, third party testing for each batch.
I love it because it helps regulate my sleep, balancing moods and just take the edge off!

I could NEVER functional a mom of three working in a cancer center and then hop in the car pick up my kids do dinner homework and get them all to hockey etc. etc. feeling any other way than great LOL

🌱Why do I see two different prices?🌱

You’ll see two prices.
One is retail. One is PC (preferred customer) you have to put it on auto ship (free) to get that rate you can literally take it off auto ship (free) after you get it. Just be sure to click that you want emails in case you forget. They will remind you when your next shipment is coming and you can just cancel


I tell everyone to start here. Low and slow until you find your sweet spot!

NO THC (healthcare workers)

I recommend if you are concerned with a drug test to chose the Briad spectrum which has no THC in the bottle.


These will be available 2/6/21