starry sun colouring tutorial !!
1 ) meitu : ultra hd quality 2x
2 ) capcut: -> import star overlay (will do a tutorial at the end)
3 ) insta : glitter on black
4 ) insta : summer beauty effect
5 ) ultralight :
clarity +6
noise -10
hue :
both blues +2
sat & lum :
both blues +10
6 ) capcut :
star 1 (15,100,45)
7 ) gradient : dreamy
8 ) insta : pixie dust
9 ) prequel :
exposure +29
brightness +5
contrast +10
highlights +35
shadows +25
saturation +5
skintone +30
temp -15
tint +10
sharpen +5
mist +6
glow +5
abberation +7
blur +35
filter - lapland +75
effect - stardust (13,28,0,0)
filter - teal +70
effect - 4-ever (50,32,0,50,0,on)
effects - sparkles (12,10,0,25)
filters - miami 2 (18,25)
10 ) ultralight :
clarity +10
sharpen -10
emphasize +2
noise -10
hue :
both blues -10
sat and lum :
both blues +10
hue :
both greens -10
lum :
first green +10
hue :
both greens -10
sat :
first green -3
2nd green -2
lum :
both greens +10
hue :
1st green -4
2nd green -10
lum :
first green +3
2nd green +10
hue :
orange , both greens +10
lum :
orange +10
hue :
first green +2
2nd green -10
hue :
first green -5
2nd green +10
sat :
first green -2
2nd green -3
both greens +10
11 ) mix the yellow and orangey colour (however you want too)
12 ) meitu :
hd quality
hsl - green
hue -100
sat and light +100
13 ) prequel :
miami 2 (20,35)
14 ) gradient : morning
make sure to give cc to me !!