About Me

Who I am and what matters to me

Hey there friend! I’m Tabby, small town girl who worked her way all the way through med school, residency, and now hematology/oncology fellowship while juggling hobbies, marriage, and motherhood! To say it’s had its challenges would be an understatement! But by the grace of God I made it here!

Through the years of tribulations, I’ve gained some super useful tips and tricks for juggling all the things - including that side gig that excites you! It would be cruel not to share right? I’m here to help with all the challenges that come with balancing work life with personal life while also ensuring self care doesn’t slip!

Wellness For Life

Your top recommendations for your followers

Wellness is all the craze…but what exactly is meant by wellness? Wellness is essentially an all around approach to making you the healthiest version of you! This includes spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial aspects of your life. Sounds like a lot right? Totally get that! I’m gonna break it all down for you here and share some tips to help you in your wellness journey!

Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness involves recognizing and becoming aware of ourselves and the world around us. It can help us identify underlying stressors, emotions, and even better connect with others. It can help relieve stress as well! Check out the link here for some simple ways you can start practicing mindfulness today!