hello & welcome
Meghan | Balanced Lifestyle + Beauty Enthusiast
I’m a mom of three, who became passionate about using safer alternatives after my family witnessed first hand what they could do for our overall well-being.
I advocate a balanced lifestyle because I see the value of lessening my family’s toxin load, but the importance in creating balance to allow things like mac n’ cheese. We’re not perfect and never plan to be, ✌️ .
We’re living our best low-tox lives by eliminating common toxins (not all toxins) that can be found in the products that we use everyday, without breaking the bank. Living a great, healthy life with time + financial freedom is very important to me.
I educate others how to do the same. Saving them time + money and ensuring that they are bringing safer products into their home that actually work!
⋙ swipe for the wellness store link where I purchase my trusted products from ⋙