Back in January 2019, I found out I had Lyme Disease. After struggling for 6 years with chronic migraines, misdiagnosed chronic pancreatitis, and chronic UTI’s I finally had an answer for all my struggles.
Back in 2013, I was working on a film out in the hot Louisiana heat. I was a stand-in (basically a part of the crew) and there were no fancy trailers or shady tents for me to seek shade. If I wanted to stay cool, I had to stand in the woods...
After a month of working on this film, the migraines started to set in. My first week of my senior year of college proved tougher than most. I was going to class with a migraine, coming home to get sick and going back. My parents and I worked hard to seek treatment. I tried everything: birth control, beta blockers, histamine treatment, anticonvulsants, even Botox. Nothing seemed to help the 15 migraines I was having each month.
After many failed attempts (some of which put me in depression) I sought out holistic health solutions. Here is where I have found the most success. My holistic doctor is the one who suggested I take a look into Lyme and I’m so glad I did.
I am currently seeking out treatment from a Lyme Specialist. While every day had been a struggle in one way or another, I’ve seen so much progress in my health. I’m so grateful for the love and support my friends, family and followers have shown me. I wouldn’t be this successful without this killer army behind me!
I look forward to sharing my health journey with you all.
Photo credit: Amanda Bayacal