The path to wellness - Naturopathy Psychotherapy Counselling

The wound is the place where the light enters you - Rumi

Naturopathy recognises and supports the natural intelligence of the body. When we are in the right environment we thrive. If we persist to live in a toxic soup we fall out of harmony and balance with our natural state of being. Signs and symptoms arise, and we can experience hormone havoc, stress and mood imbalances, disregulated digestion, weakened immune systems, patterns and cycles of illness, pain and inflammation, with the potential for chronic disease to take hold.

Our bodies are a reflection of our inner state of being. What we feed ourselves Phyically through diet and water, Mentally, through our thoughts and beliefs, what we hold onto with our Feelings and Emotions, and our Spiritual connection and Relationship with other, creates the blue print from which everything in and around us flows forth. Patterns of behaviour are subconscious automated programs wired through neuronal pathways of the brain overtime.

As we can become more conscious of where we are placing our intention and attention, in the decisions and choices we are making, we can shift to living at our highest potential in any given moment. Each experience serves to deepen our conscious understanding and awareness of who we are, what we need and whom we seek to be. If we are aware and living from the present we can make consistent adjustments and grow. What we do today creates the template for our tomorrow.

My Top Picks


Take time out to come back to your center by reconnecting with nature. Walking barefoot on the earth, sitting under a tree, tuning into the colours, listening to the sound of the breeze through the leaves and dropping into the breath. These simple measures can shift us into a more relaxed state of being in just a few moments.

  1. Recommendation #1

    Recommendation #1

    Forest bathing or sometimes known in Indigenous Australia as bush bathing

Healing Essences

Harmonise Energise

Bespoke formulations created for you to restore emotional imbalances.
Flowers, Gem and Crystal, Water, Elemental, Color Essences, Chakra balancing, lnner child work.
Aura and Space Clearing.

Grief, Trauma release, Anxiety, Sadness, Miscarriage, Birthing, Post Natal, Carer fatigue, Depressive states, Abundance.

About Arlene Diston

The journey so far

Through a deep connection and love of nature life began to reveal itself. I have always believed in the miracle of life to restory, regenerate, and recreate itself.

Naturopathy was the beginning of my journey in 1993 and in 1997 Meridian Naturopathic was founded. I continued working in the corporate natural medicine industry as a consultant for 19 years and as a trainer and educator, along side my private practice.

I studied further in energy healing and remedial bodywork therapies, meditation, psychology, psychotherapy, counselling and social work. This work has taken me into the school system for 12years and 2 years in the disability not for profit sector.

Now in 2024, a beautiful new healing space is emerging at Sunbank studio. This has been inspired by my love of spending time in the garden, and with my dogs Inca and Jackson, working with the plants, trees and the nature elementals.