Āo Ake, Pō Noa
Tuwhitia Te Hopo
Māori | Wifey | Māmā | Kaiako |
Money Maker | Life Changer | Cycle Breaker.
Nau piki mai, nau kake mai ki tōku nei ao.
Ko Mikaela Waimotu tōku ingoa, he uri ahau nō Ngati Hako me Te Arawa whānui.
Putting in the mahi doesn’t have to be a daunting 9 - 5. It can look like spending time with your loved ones, taking your kids to all their extra curricular activities, participating in iwi kaupapa, it can even look like a get away with hubby for the weekend.
Let me show you how we make dreams a reality. How we show up for ourselves and keep pushing for our families. How YOU can live financially free, present in the now from wherever the day may lead you.