free pets!
rules + info !
hey its ver, in special of 10k thats now lost unfortunately, i have hit 1k on this account very quick i decided to give back to you giys by giving dps to all of my followers that have been here since day one ! 🤍☃️ this will be my gift to you guys ! 🫶ofc they are rules only 50 people max will be chosen x here are the following list of rules x: follow my tiktok if u scroll they will be a link to it! 🫢 and also add my roblox! in some of my upcoming vids, like my vids too! lastly the most important rule! all trades will be managed by bots and since tz exist and not everyone will be able to visit ! i will be giving pets not through my main what is ver unfortunate since ilysm and i love meeting you guys with 136 proofs ! i am giving u guys the chance to enter the rblx pass and user by messaging it to my tiktok mssges follow me and comment “sent” this way the bots will get a notif ! this way i can get to sm more people! once u finnish “sent” comment your dp and we will come back asap