@moonsetc milkshake website! 💐

Your top recommendations for your followers

Hello! Here are some facts about me,colorings,questions ideas,sound accs,links to donate to Ukraine,etc.

1. Facts about me

1. My favorite food is pizza.
2. My birthday is august 24th (not saying my age/birth year)
3. I am a Virgo.
4. I used to play basketball & soccer.
5. My fav color is pastel pink. (I like
Pastel colors)
6. I have 4 siblings.
7. My favorite animal
is a zebra.
8. My favorite season is winter.
9. I am a brunette girl & mixed.
10. I have darkish brown curly hair.
11. I am learning French.
(Je parle un peu de français)
12. I am in a gc named “glamorous.
13. My fav soda is dr.pepper.
| these are the only facts I will
be giving out for now.

External link

2. Rare colorings (iOS & Android)

Cc: lvshraess
Android version:
1. Prequel
Effect: Oklahoma
2. Instagram
Filter: pixie dust
3. 24fps
Filter: lemon 🍋
4. Prequel
Sharpen: 25
Skintone: -100
Blur: 25
Dust: 90
Effect: 4-ever
5. Instagram
Filter: ethereal

Cc: lvshraess
iOS version:
1. Ultralight
Clarity: 10
Sharpen: -10
2. Instagram
Filter: pixie dust
3. 24fps:
Filter: lemon 🍋
4. Prequel
Sharpen: 25
Skintone: -100
Blur: 25
Dust: 90
Effect: 4-ever
Filter: lollipop
5. Instagram
Filter: ethereal

Cc: coloringshelpppp
(iOS & Android)
Adjust 1:
Brightness: -50
Contrast: -50
Saturation: 50
Exposure: 50
Sharpen: 100
Highlights: -50
Temp: -50
Hue: 20
Adjust 2:
Brightness: 20
Contrast: 50
Saturation: 50
Exposure: -50
Highlights: -50
Shadows: 100
Temp: -50
Hue: -50
Filter: Miami
Filter: conifer cone

Cc: advslcgd
1. Meitu
Image repair
2. Instagram
Filter: ethereal
3. Instagram
Filter: rb raios
4. Prequel
Exposure: 50
Contrast: 10
Temperature: -20
Dust: 70
Blur: 30
Effect: 4-ever
5. Ultralight
Clarity: 10
Sharpen: -10
(Android can do everything
except the ultralight part)

Cc: elisahelpsz
Exposure: 26
Contrast: -20
Highlights: 20
Shadows: 15
Saturation: 50
Skintone: 20
Vibrance: -10
Sharpen: 25
Blur: 25
Filter: Lapland
Effect: diamond
| more rare Android
& iOS colorings I find will
be added to this list.

External link

3. Fanpage starter pack

Need sounds?

Need colorings?
Popular colorings:
Aesthetic: turtleaddison
Cinema: .chvrlscloset
Ethereal: a lot of ppl
Sunkissed: addivtrend
Tropical: addsplxnt
Café: lots of ppl |
Almost every coloring is
on @coloringhelpss page

Need questions?
| you can also search
“Question ideas” on

External link

4. Tips for anger,sadness,etc

1. Anger tips
- take a break from the
thing/things that made you

- do something you enjoy
to take your mind off the anger/stress

- drink a cold glass of water,
it will make you feel better

- lay in a comfy spot and think
on how to improve in what you are
getting upset about

- make sure you don’t take out your
anger on someone else, you can express
how you feel but calm down first

2. Skincare tips
- drink a lot of water

- wash and moisturize your face

- eat healthy

- try not to wear

- put honey on any
breakouts or dry lips

- take vitamins

- stop crying/stressing
(It causes acne)

- sweat & get your
body working out

- be gentle with your skin

- don’t pop your pimples

- stick to a skincare routine

- don’t use to many products
on your skin

3. Bullying tips
- tell a trusted adult
about the bullying, they
will help you

- if the bullying isn’t that bad
and just verbal say ok to everything,
they will go bananas

- walk away, and if they follow you
go to a big group of people you know,
they might help you

- avoid them, block them on all
social media and at school,etc

- do not pretend it didn’t happen
after they stop, still be aware

- go on a kids/teen helpline and they
will give you some help as well

4. School tips
- make sure you are paying
attention and not foscusing on
your friends,etc

- take breaks if you need to, your
mental health is important, so go to the
bathroom or take a drink,etc

- study for tests/exams it may not matter
to you but, it will be in the future

- ask questions if you don’t understand
something, but if you are too shy ask a
teacher privately

5. Weight loss tips
- drink water before any meal,
it will fill you up easier

- do not skip breakfast, it
will not help you loose weight

- eat a lot of nutrition and protein,
it will help a lot

- exercise for at least 30 minutes or
1 hour, but don’t force yourself to exercise
for 1 hour+

- take a 15 minute walk after any big
meal (breakfast,lunch,etc)

- eliminate all sugary drinks and sugary
juices, instead have healthy smoothies
& protein drinks

6. All-nighter tips
- drink caffeine or eat ice cream,
it will help you stay awake

- drink/eat some snacks to help you
complete your all-nighter

- get some games to play that will
keep you distracted from you getting

- dance & get some energy some you
don’t fall asleep

- play something entertaining on
YouTube or watch tons of movies
on Netflix to help you stay up

7. New fanpage tips:
- always start by following
other FPS, it will help you gain

- be kind & supportive to
other FPS

- don’t change your coloring
or theme to much but, use a
popular/trendy coloring & theme

- don’t use gain trains, you will
get followers but no actives

8. Stress tips
- blow on your thumb,
it relives stress

- take a couple of deep breaths
(3-5 deep breaths)

- grab a notebook & draw, you
can scribble,draw,flowers,etc, but
continue this until you feel less
stressed or nervous

- play a game with yourself in
your head or even just your hands

8. Healthy tips
- eat your fruits & vegetables

- exercise for at least 30 minutes
a day for a week

- drink loads of water it great for
you and your skin

- write your thoughts in a journal,
you will feel free

- don’t be hard on yourself, you
should love yourself

9. Skin tips
- don’t shave, it will make your
skin bumpy and make your leg/arm
grow darker

- limit bath-time, hot showers and
long showers or baths remove skin

- when you come out of the shower
or bath, moisturize your skin

- don’t do your skintone routine
close before bed

- drink lots of water, it will keep
your skin hydrated

10. Studying tips
- keep all electronics away
from you or put your phone,iPad,
etc, on airplane mode so you stay

- put some music on to help
you focus better

- give yourself a clean/organized
work space so it is easier to study

- have a snack beside you if you
feel hungry so, you don’t need to
get up

11. Sleeping tips
- make sure your bed doesn’t
have any clothes,books, etc
so you are comfy

- if you have a clock in your room
cover it up, so you don’t know what time
it is

- adjust the room temperature to your
liking so it’s easier for you to sleep

- take any anxiety,stress,etc off your mind
so you don’t stay up late thinking about it

5. Suicide hotlines

Australia: 08 9381 5555

Ireland: 8457 90 90 90

Sweden: 46317112400

Mexico: 525 510 2550

The Netherlands: 0900 0113

Morocco: 022 382 42 42

USA: 1800 7848 433

China: 852 2383 0000

Uk: 084757 90 90 90

Poland: 52 70 000

Denmark: 70 201 201

Canada: 519 416 486 2242
| if you don’t see your city/state
please let me know, & I will add your

6. UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦

To any who may be reading this & is in the Ukraine, you can go to the border of romaine. I have heard & see videos,photos,etc of what is unfortunately happening in Ukraine. I know people on tiktok have been saying for Ukrainian people
to go to the border of Poland but don’t go there. Troops are being sent there from Russia. But thankfully Romaine is taking
Ukrainian people without a visa and pets are allowed, safe safe.

| links to donate to Ukraine:





There are also links in peoples bios
on tiktok so that you can donate to Ukraine 🇺🇦.

Ukraine I hope you get the justice
you deserve & Rest In Peace to all
of the people who have lost any family
members ❤️❤️ | (It’s okay if you can’t donate)