How to Vaginal Steam?

The ins & outs of this Self Care Practice

Our User Guide was created for you and is the culmination of our years of experience of vaginal steaming. We’ve learned how to - and how not to steam. We are delighted to share our experience with you. When practiced with clarity and consistency, vaginal steaming encourages a deep connection to self, helps to rearrange any cycle and body imbalances and becomes a foundational pillar for emotional wellbeing & the Alter of your Womb.

This User Guide is informative, you will learn: How to steam? Why steam? Contraindications - what are they? The Altar of the womb - setting up your steam space. We truly hope this User Guide gently instills a deep understanding and further enriches your Devotion to Intimate Practices. Embrace the transformation.

Who are the women behind Moontime Rituals?

We are a mother daughter duo who were on the search for answers to help with menopausal symptoms, endometriosis, PMS, infections & deepening our connection to our wombs.

We created Moontime Rituals with an expansive desire to share our experience of slowly and gently bringing our bodies into balance. The dance of restoring our equilibrium and gaining a zest for life.
There are many practices & herbs to create a sense of wholeness, a deep feeling of well-being. We are so excited to share the practices that naturally aligned us into feeling good. When we return to our Rituals and Practices everyday; we commit to ourselves. A choice that leads us to deepening the connection we have to our inner being - our truest intelligence.