Mother Lands Foundation

Nest. Rest. Root. Bloom. Flourish.

Mother Lands Foundation offers a model for our village dreams to stand on.

Mother Lands does not provide the details to what your village should look like, that will be up to you or anyone who has a vision for building villages.

This is not intentional community or eco-village. Although “intentsional” and sustainably built, I am offering the model that serves the Mother. The Earth, the womb in which we all live.
A System that is a maternal/paternal partnership.
The kind of Society a loving mother would design for her children.
A prosperous economy to become a gift economy over time.
This design for village is One that serves earth, land, and body.
One that serves our mothers in raising healthy children for many future generations.
One that serves humanity in undoing all the trauma of living, the crime against our inner feminine and body.

Many of us have dreams for villages. I am offering a “foundation” from which our dreams may launch, hence, the name “Mother Lands Foundation”.

I am in the process of designing an educational series on “how to live in village and sustain ourselves over many generations”.
I am offering a workable model for modern villages designed to sustain your village financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically through many generations.

My goal is to make it as easy as possible for anyone, anywhere to build a village and once the first one is built, it builds the next one.

This is a vision that is alive unto itself, forever growing and expanding…

It is a glimpse into our future,
The blueprint for what Society could be at our greatest potential.
This is a work in progress.

Vision  —

Radical Social Reform

“For a mother to have to choose between herself or her child is a devastating choice and a lose-lose situation”
- A Briles

As a result of this lose-lose situation, The child lives with resentment from her mother or the mother resents her child…the mother-child bond destroyed…

In this world, villages are “bought”- not made. Money buys a false concept of “village”. People tend to think that “village” means “all the services one can buy for self-care” -but this idea of village is impractical for most people on average wages.
There are too many mothers suffering in isolation without a village- a partner is simply not enough for a mother’s needs and the duty to our children is too much for one person.
Our children need community around them and many mature humans to care for their needs.

The system we live in is not designed to benefit the ever growing needs of our Mothers and children and The vision for Mother Lands has resurrected from the ashes of this truth.

Mother Lands is a vision I have received. It is not designed by me, per say, it is written on our hearts.

May our Mother Earth see her vision born.

Mother Lands is a design for what society could be.
It includes a foundation and a network of villages where each village contains a collection of businesses and nonprofits.

The main nonprofits are:
housing, permaculture, right education, whole health

The businesses are whatever one can dream up but the businesses must partner with the nonprofits. This is a model where the “charities” are built into the business rather than on the side, ending the the need for charity over time because
The village is all-inclusive and functions as one entity where business pays for the nonprofits (fundamental needs of humanity) making each village its own philanthropist and investor and ending housing and food insecurity.

The foundation is the hub meant to gift money to the building of each village and each village gifts back to the foundation to create more villages making the whole Mother Lands system completely self-sustainable and self-efficient.

Furthermore, Mother Lands exists as the feminine half that is needed to balance out our world.
Just as each individual human is both masculine and feminine aspects, Moving forward, so too,
Our world will exist as both a masculine trinity and a feminine trinity coming together to form a six pointed star at the center of our hearts.
The symbolism of the star as “soul” is what we are birthing-where each individual soul is sovereign unto itself creating “Heaven on Earth”.

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Our Model —

The BIG Picture

What is Mother Lands?

The BIG picture for Mother Lands…

To bring balance to our crook-ed world.
To lift people up and out of poverty and into prosperity.

How? Keep reading…

-Mother Lands Values:

-Develop a culture that values emotional maturity, innate intelligence , natural born gifts and whole truth.

-Prioritize The needs of Mother and Child (where they are not currently met)

-Bridge the gap between wealth and poverty

-Remove the “middle man” (interference that creates strain and hassle)

-Formulate sustainability and self-sufficiency over many generations. (Through regenerative land stewardships)

-End the need for charity and cultivate prosperity

-Resolve global issues surrounding housing, food, education and health

-Permeate NEW vision into old structures

-Revive earth and humanity over time

-Wealth that serves the whole (rather than a world that serves wealth)

-The individual tells the world “who they are”, rather than a world that molds the individual to “fit in” to the world through tiny boxes.

-Inner Union, Collective Unity and interdependence


The constant need to expand and make more, more, more! With no end in sight by consumption, hoarding, and accumulation must come to an end or we won’t survive.

We simply cannot sustain when there are NO LIMITS to our consumption.

I love to shop. It isn’t about “not shopping” it’s about only buying what is practical, what has purpose, what is needed, what we use, what is sustainable, what we LOVE.

We have to know when enough is enough.
We have to learn what “enough “ feels like.

My deepest grievance is exploitation…
Exploitation of mother and child by separation trauma through the need to make money for court systems, CPS, foster care, adoption, medical institutions (disabilities), fear mongering (war-the making of soldiers, terrorists), entertainment (as distraction by inducing emotions), politics, porn/child porn and workforce labor.
This Includes exploitation of MOTHER earth, our planet and her child, humanity. (separation trauma of earth and humanity)
BOTH toxic and “green” practices destroy entire habitats.

Everything in our society is designed under masculine rules which leaves little opportunity for us to access all of our amazing feminine qualities and survive in society. Arts is generally considered a “hobby” and with rising cost of living- the arts seem to be dying in favor of anything that makes money.

We are confined to one way.
It’s a Patriarch, it is what it is and it’s fine. All I want is to bring Balance.

We live in a duality (division) which is masculine and that’s fine but without the “one” (wholeness-feminine) we are a society that remains in constant conflict.
Duality PLUS the “one” equals TRINITY.
👆🏼mathmatical formula for our new society. Ta-daaaaaa! 😃😘

Mother Lands is a model for actual villages. Villages designed to END exploitation over time. 👈🏻 key word “time” pssssst…(it doesn’t happen overnight, it took thousands of years to get us in the mess we are in).

Mother Lands is a beginning…

You know the traditional villages you see all over Europe and in other countries?

Well, Usually the village has some type of healthcare, school, businesses, housing and an estate (sometimes with food gardens) that the landlord lives in.

The village people work and go to school in the village a pay rent to a landlord.
And the responsibility of the whole village is on him-that one landlord.
It’s A burden to one person yet he is the wealthy one.

All I have done, is remove the “middle man” (landlord) and given the responsibility of the village back to the people.

The middle man isn’t necessary, in fact, it only complicates things and interferes in what could be harmonious functioning amongst village members.

The Model: 👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿👇🏻👇

Mother Lands is a foundation and a network of villages.

The Foundation is a nonprofit that raises money to buy land to steward to each village.

Within each village is a collection of nonprofits and businesses where all businesses pay for the nonprofits. This allows freedom from a mortgage system.

There are 4 specific nonprofits:
Housing- a home
Permaculture to ensure the village always has food
School (designed somewhat differently than patriarchal schools)
Health center (whole health, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)

A Business can be anything but to ensure substantial income, there must be several businesses within each village (like a town).

Possible business ideas for village:

a boutique hotel for retreats
Specialty artisan shops
a farm to table cafe
A coffee shop
An old-fashioned apothecary
Self-care spa for a mother to get a nap, hot meal, and soak in a tub (while her child is close by and receiving quality care)
Daycare or governess-tutor-nanny services
Birthing center
Meal delivery for new moms and their families
Postpartum retreat where a new mother can be pampered for a month while bonding with her baby.
Postpartum care classes for fathers, siblings and families
In addition to everyday business, events such as art classes, crafts/ skills workshops, seminars, retreats, festivals, dinners, holidays, bizarres, markets and special occasions can be additional sources of income. (also like a town)

Mother Lands is a mini society within the larger society. Each village is meant to be like a tiny town. Some villages will be built from scratch but the hope is to resurrect many existing villages in need of renovation or that are currently museums.

It may seem outrageous to build a tiny town but once the first model is built and functioning then it sets the example for towns and cities to follow. The hope is for district lines to be redrawn to incorporate prosperous villages rather than separate us by class.

Villages pay taxes, like a town.

Intentional community, communes, or ecovillage is not quite radical enough for Mother Lands.

Village is not like an intentional community that is built around a certain theme or belief.

No one is following any particular belief to live in a village, you simply must be fit and of sound mind to be around children because the children are the number one reason to live in a village.

The POINT of the village is to raise healthy children by giving the mother an opportunity to replenish her energy so that she can keep giving. If we can do this for our mothers, we will begin to see a healthy society over time.

Each person in village is responsible to themselves and The whole village is responsible for the health and well being of Mother and child but it doesn’t mean that only mothers live in a village. A village must be diverse, children need many reflections to mature into healthy adults. (like a town) 😃

Unlike a town and traditional villages, Mother Lands villages are built to sustain structurally (with passive energy resources), emotionally, mentally, spiritually/soulfully (providing resources), occupationally (work one is designed to do), and financially (substantial income from visitors)

The idea is to reverse the thinking of “world that serves wealth” into “wealth that serves the whole”

Each nonprofit village income is divided equally between businesses, nonprofits, people and foundation.

The money going back into the foundation is used specifically to build more villages so the WHOLE concept is it’s own philanthropist and investor. It just takes significant funds to build the first one. Then it’s off and running on its own.

The cost of something like this is similar to the cost of building a 5 star resort.
It is a significant amount upfront but we have exciting fundraising opportunities ready to be implemented once we are official.
I remain hopeful…

The Mother Lands vision is our great Mother showing us “enough” is the abundance she shares with us when we care for her.

Over time as more and more villages are built around the world, with the same families tending to the lands through the generations, the earth begins to flourish again, humanity begins to know the meaning of the word “thrive” and “prosper”.
We learn what it means to be sovereign yet connected with others working interdependently in harmony with each other and nature…one day…in a time far far away, Mother Lands will cease to exist and it will simply be

Mother Lands is a way to start.

What we need right now:

-It starts with the foundation. Mother Lands needs to be a 501c3 to accept large donations. We need 1 more person for the board, preferably a cpa or bookkeeping background for treasurer.

-Mother Lands needs this message to reach as many people as possible. Please share.

Send an email if you have interest- see last page.

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The ML School Concept —

Our children are the true gurus

This is a concept for the type of school in we would like to see in ALL the Mother Lands villages around the globe.

If you SEE YOURSELF in this vision,
If you see what you are already doing in the world in this vision,
If you see a piece of this vision as your calling,
please send an email message with your email and I will contact you.

This is how the Mother would design school for her children.

Education for children at Mother Lands villages (and for adults) includes teaching for the WHOLE child.
Both left and right brain.
It includes teaching children STEM and architecture but teaching it in a way that shows how to sustain ourselves and our surroundings for many generations.
STEM, as it pertains to regenerative energy, as it pertains to HOW humans themselves ARE nature and energy, the importance of sacred geometry and the building and design of sustainable structures.

Mother Lands is about the WHOLE being,
On the “left brain” side, the school should offer the Regenerative STEM teachings and for RIGHT brain side, the school teaches LIFE skills-traditional artisan skills which includes wilderness skills, caring for animals, growing food, harvesting seeds, natural medicine making, cooking, sewing, pottery, hat making, weaving, spinning, jewelry design, crafts, woodwork, cobbler, blacksmith etc..

The overall and underlying foundation of this school (for Mother Lands villages) focuses on emotional intelligence, emotional freedom and KNOWING ONESELF through science and art (the earth and the stars) AS NATURE, AS ENERGY, AS LIGHT, AS SOUND so our children grow up connected to the earth.

A humanity intrinsically connected to the planet can no longer exploit and destroy her.

The village observes the natural abilities of the children. What makes their eyes light up? What are they drawn to?

We guide our children to those subjects in our nature school to where they eventually begin their journey of mastership as an apprentice of their natural gifts through a guild style study- apprenticeship, journeyman, and master.
The child’s innate gifts are then offered to the whole village at master level. It’s a cultivation of the origins of the soul.

The school offers the “tools” and skills to the child’s innate intelligence and original soul print.

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Get Involved! —

Join the movement!

Mother Lands
/ˈməT͟Hər lands/

-lands of our Mother Earth
-Radical social reform that brings humanity into awareness that we live in a womb.

Volunteer positions have potential to lead to paid positions as we are a foundation in the making.


-Treasurer of the board- accounting background preferred-must have a good understanding of gift economy and be qualified to work with budgets and donations
-Officers of the board (of many backgrounds and expertise)- Anyone who is interested and passionate about Mother Lands vision and living in villages.
-Web Manager and designer
-Social Media guru

Once we are an official 501c3 we will need the following:
-Executive Director
-Fundraising Director
-Members Director

Contact Angela through email (see email button at the bottom of this page)

Who Mother Lands is right for:

Mother Lands is for men and women that honor the feminine in themselves.
Mother Lands needs people who are SOLID and sovereign in themselves - they CANNOT be swayed from their WANTS, needs and dreams.

Mother Lands needs people with integrity and a willingness to be transparent -who stand by what they say without apology and believe in themselves with CONVICTION.

Mother Lands needs people who cannot allow themselves to be easily influenced.
One MUST be strong enough in their own SENSE of being, to know their choices are coming from the RIGHT place in the heart.

You know the difference between strength and stubbornness.

You have the ability to listen without interruption and without being mesmerized.

You understand or you practice the art of contemplation.

You are for co-creation not competition.

Competition is not Mother Lands.
We work together as a unit for the survival of the village.

A Mother Lands woman or man is his/her own authority and led by inner guidance. He/she knows her own mind.

Immediate need: Treasurer
Please send us an email if you have interest or questions.
The foundation needs a treasurer to be an official 501c3 Foundation so we can begin fundraising for everything else we need.

Support Mother Lands Here