Damian Konieczka

Yoga| Bioenergy Healing|Anger & Freedom from Sects counseling

Damian Konieczka, ‘Krishna’ is a Yoga, Vedanta philosophy, meditation, and pranayama enthusiast and teacher.

As a Prana Vidya and Reiki energy-therapist, he opens a space for anyone struggling on their life’s path with anger, racism, control groups and sects, and the inability to meditate as well as physical illness, being stuck in the spiritual quest.

He is also a passionate writer. His topics are meditation and its most common misconceptions, mind and psychology, philosophy and religion, and their impact on minds' fundamental beliefs. Often very sharp and thought-provoking.

As a Yoga teacher, he holds 2-year Yoga Philosophy and Meditation diploma and 500 hours YTTC, both completed in India. He studied and served at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram, Paramanand Yoga Institute Ashram and at his Guru Swamiji Yoganand ashram in India from 2018 to 2020. For two years he could focus on his own exploration, teach and support future teachers, and serve as an assistant teacher of Yoga Therapy.

This passion for yoga and healing started in 2012. In 2013 graduating with his first 200 hours YTTC.

Together with his fiance Sophie they form The Laya Yogis, a school with a vision to inspire and bring out the person's individual potential and creativity, the students' very talent, in service to a healthy, grounded and collective spirituality.



I enjoy teaching yoga both to individuals and small groups.
It brings me joy to be able to impart all of the marvels of yoga philosophy that I learned throughout my two-year stay in India and self-study over the last ten years.
There is so much to discover about India's vast and ancient philosophy. In particular:

maintain our bodies and spirits in good shape. Postural alignment. Endurance and stillness in meditation. Clearing energy pathways. And much more.

is a Hatha Yoga cleansing and detoxification exercises that also includes a careful dietary choice to maintain our energy.

helps us in relaxing, slowing our thinking patterns, and most importantly, gently reprogramming our brains from the subconscious level through Sankalpa – positive affirmations. The rarely thought practice of Prytyahara

is a bottomless science of nurturing our life's energy and learning to manage it, which is essentially what it takes to be able to utilize our mind and its impulses at will.
Boosting the inherent potential of our chakras and cleansing the nadis. Tuning the energy frequency in chakras in order to highten our intuitive response to Universes laws.
We may practice over 100 pranayama together that I study from the lineage of Yogarishi Gitananda.

The intimate relationship we have with our Soul, with the Unknowable. Unlearning the past and being receptive to directions, regaining confidence in our intuition.

This is one of my favourite topics. I understand how difficult it is to avoid unpleasant sentiments and thoughts, as well as to remain friends with ourselves.
The most fundamental aspect of good meditation practice is a clear grasp of what meditation is.

Meditation is all about sitting silently, doing nothing, waiting for the unknown to come. Waiting with great love, longing and patience, waiting as if it is going to come at this very moment, but yet ready to wait even if it comes in eternity.

Prana Vidya

Pranic healing |Reiki | bioenergy therapy

We all equally carry life force within us.
However, owing to our lifestyle, core limiting beliefs and inappropriate mind management we deplete our reservoirs of this energy at some time in our lives.

As a Reiki, Prana Vidya, and energy-therapy practitioner, I assist others in rebalancing this deficiency via one-on-one treatment.

Those sessions are also intended to teach you and convince you that you are capable of healing yourself and others. It is not a science for the select few.
I'll teach you some simple yoga techniques to assist you maintain high energy levels, and we'll identify where this energy is leaking.


Beyond shame and suppression

Anger is one of the "negative" emotions that generates feelings of shame. And, — in particular in our spiritual work, we may believe it is an undesirable emotion, leading us to hide it and feel guilty. Making us wonder if we're heading in the right direction.

During those sessions, we will work to understand what anger could really teach us and how much capacity it has to propel us into the life we want for ourselves, and to free ourselves from other suppressed emotions that form the basis of anger.

A first contact is already growing beyond the barrier of shame

Liberation from control groups

I was born and raised in the Jehovah's Witnesses religious group until the age of 17.

After some very unhappy and depressing years, I realized that the underlying purpose of this belief system was to keep me 'small,' obedient, deprived of freedom of choice, and in fact loving life and personal relationship with God, or what others and I today refer to as Consciousness, Soul, or The Infinite.

Working with people today, I help others realize how the behaviours learned in control groups are still underlying in our emotions and world-view, the very fundamental beliefs that keep us from our life's purpose and actual freedom from sects we wanted to leave.

Feel free to reach me by email

Healing racism trauma

And the underlying feeling of unworthiness

This ill believe is more common in our daily lives than we can think of.
It can make the victim inferior and suffer from social loneliness, anxiety and feeling of unworthiness.

This section can take the form of a 1:1 but hopefully will gather diversity of people to open a sharing circle.

Please express your interest and suggestions

Online meditation course

Meditation to your authentic self

Why should we meditate?

Meditation is believed to answer our minds' quest, the quest for inner transformation. However this journey, the journey of meditation is so often entwined with so much pain, fears and dark memories. The authors of this course decided to speak loud about it and break the silence if denying this fact. The questions why and how are being answered here in this course you are about to undertake.

Meditation to your authentic self is a comprehensive course/program for anyone looking to introduce meditation to their life, being interested in spirituality or someone who is ready to dive into shadow work to retrieve the inner best. Filled with plenty of reading material to better understand what meditation actually really is and to look at our mind from a different point of view.

The 30 minutes instruction video provided explains in depth pranayama breathing practices together with guided practice. Pranayama being an important step for sure and sound meditation practice and calming our fast stream of thoughts and emotions.

Each lesson includes journaling practice with a set of questions to ask oneself in order to realign with current wants and actual state of being.

Part of every meditation's 14 practices are self-affirmations, or sankalpa that one is asked to read out loud, perhaps in front of the mirror. It is to really and directly work on patterns of our behaviour or habit that is not serving us anymore or creates disharmony.

Access online learning here