Humanist Freethinker Philosophy Circle
HuPhilosophy stands for Humanist Philosophy but this circle is broader than this, encompassing non-religious philosophy in general as well as scepticism and freethinking. It's an educational platform and community that spans philosophers & a wide range of topics, schools of thought and methodology. You can join for free by following the website for regular updates and becoming a member of the dedicated wix app group, where you can participate and share your thoughts, although all discussions will be from a non-religious, freethinking point of view.
This circle and website is about a huge range of philosophers who are non-religious, for example agnostic, ignostic, atheist, secularist, humanistic, or simply those who don't subscribe to any particular religious dogma or doctrine. Some of these intersect with other identities, such as Humanistic Judaism. It also explores non-religious approaches to philosophy, methodology and philosophical argumentation in itself, as schools of thought and a distinct philosophical approach. Secular, Humanistic (Judaism), Freethinking, Agnostic, and Sceptical Philosophy are all philosophical approaches I identify with myself as a philosopher and where I place myself in philosophical tradition.
Non-religious, freethinking philosophy is something I feel is lacking on degree courses, philosophy research, publishing and academic conferences. Topics in this circle and on this educational/ philosophy community platform will include atheistic, ignostic and agnostic approaches to religion; scepticism; humanistic approaches to ethics and empathy; scientific approaches to philosophy. This is a group that is predominantly about contemporary philosophy and contemporary philosophers, although it is not era specific and includes philosophers of any century, country and identity. It's intended as a designated international/global, free space for non-religious, freethinkers, both philosophers & those with an interest in philosophy. Everything is free to join and all educational resources are open access. Website link below 👇