Leatning Task 1.2
Curriculum is content, but when CONTEXTUALIZED, it comes alive for students. The role of teachers in the curriculum process is to help students develop an engaged relationship with the content. Active learning will increase the focus and retention of the curriculum, resulting in an exciting learning environment. Teachers build lessons that include simulations, experiments, case studies and activities to deliver curriculum. This interactive approach intertwines curriculum and practical experiences that immerse students in learning. The curriculum process provides opportunity for teachers to be creative and put their unique stamp on the classroom experience.
A good understanding of curriculum planning is essential for good teaching.
Sometimes, life in the classroom seems so dynamic and hectic that it might feel as though all plans can go astray. As a teacher, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget about the big picture, and curriculum is the big picture. In other words, curriculum is the sum total of skills and concepts that students learn, explicitly as well as implicitly. Losing track of the big picture of a curriculum plan is totally understandable, but at the same time, having an overarching plan is an important way to make sure you don't lose track of what matters most in a particular unit of study. Sensible curriculum planning will bring focus to your teaching, and it will also make it easier to figure out what activities, projects, and lessons you do each day.
The administrator also have a role like the teacher. The Curriculum administrators develop and improve the curricula of education institutions. They analyse the quality of existing curricula and work towards improvement. They communicate with education professionals to ensure an accurate analysis. They report on curriculum developments and perform administrative duties.
The purpose of schools is to support generation after generation of democratic culture in order to foster whole people, healthy society and a peaceful world. Meaningful Student Involvement is a step in that direction.
Curriculum for understanding provides ample opportunity for students to apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts and conditions. This helps them transfer their learning to new situations and better prepares them for future learning