Welcome to my website !
Here u can find coloring tuts
And some fan page tips
Like how to grow your acc
And some fan page tips
Like how to grow your acc
App : Ultralight
Clarity : 10+
Sharpen : 10-
App : Prequel
Effect : Weather - filter 0
Filter : Teal - filter 50
Exposure: 28
Contrast: 7
Highlights : 29
Shadows : 100
Abberation: 25
Blur : (your choice) 50
App : Colourtone
Googee 1x
U can use a font that is named Hug me tight. But u need to download it on da Vont. ( da.vont is a website ) Install the app Vont. And choose the vid u want. And click on the screen. And then go to font . And then go to my fonts and click on how to install fonts. And then it will show u how to do it for the water mark u can use : Shore lines or just the font hug me tight. On shore lines it is best to like take the bend think take this first ( and write your username and then and the end take ) and there u go ! Hope it helped ! 🥥🤍
Be active or you will lose some followers 😩 Post at least 2 or more vids in a day. Follow back some fanoages that follow you. Get rare vids or him/her. Give s/o and ib and cc. Comment in your idols vids. Be positive to everyone. Hope it helped🌿🤍