My Top Picks Of The Best Healthy Smoothies!

My Top Recommendations For Healthy Smoothies.

Food is amazing! We need food to survive? Like we need water. Water is the key. But I wanted to recommend the best foods you should get to slim down and keep healthy!

Strawberry Healthy Smoothie!

Number 1#. A strawberry smoothie is good because there rich in fiber. They also have vitamins and antioxidants. They contain vitamin C than oranges. This also prevents your illnesses and your health!

strawberry smoothie?

Blue Berry Smoothie!

Number 2#. Blueberry Smoothies also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants just like strawberries! Blueberries provide notable health benefits. Like heart health, and Blood Clotting!

Blueberries Smoothies?

Avacado Smoothie!

Number 3#. Avocados the most healthy fat in avocado is oleic acid! It helps lower fat and your cardiovascular inflammation! Avocados also have a nutrient called beta-sitosterol which is the plant version of cholesterol! It’s good for your help as well and prevents any Heart Damage!

Avocados ?

Grape !

Number 4#. Grapes! Grapes are a good source of potassium which is a mineral that helps balance fluids in your body! Potassium can help lower your risk of heart disease and a stroke. Most people don’t get enough of this nutrient so eating grapes can help fill the gap!
TIP: Mixing heaps with milk is vitamin C, use it NOW!


Onion Smoothie!

Lastly number 5#. ONION SMOOTHIE!!! Ew! You may think it’s nasty but it’s actually really good for health. Why you ask? Onions have been linked to improving bone health, lower blood, sugar levels, and a reduced rock of cancer! AND A HEALTHY DIET! Maybe try considering onions as a fruit? 🤔



What do you think about these options? Ew the last one ! (Onion) may sound nasty but it’s helpful!

Thank you for looking at my website! 💓
