Equipment wish list

The New Forest Off Road Club would benefit from having access to the following items in order to make our group rides and social sessions more accessible to all.

If you like what we do, and would like to support the group, please send a message to the Instagram and someone will reply shortly 💚

  1. Bike stands

    Bike stands would help with bike mechanic sessions and bike washing evenings. We would also like to lend these out to folk who want to practice their newly learnt mechanic skills at home in their own time.

  2. Multi Tools

    We want to equip each ride leader with a comprehensive multi tool with chain splitter.

  3. First Aid Kits

    We want each ride leader to be equipped with a first aid kit, just in case it’s needed.

  4. Bike lights

    Lights to be seen and see with. We don’t want dark winter evenings to be a barrier to folk joining rides.

  5. Helmet

    We need a couple of spare helmets to every ride leader has a spare should they need to offer one to a rider.

  6. Mental Health First Aid course

    We would like all our ride leaders to be mental health first aiders.

  7. Tools

    We would like to have a tool library that can be used for mechanic evenings as well and lent out to folk that want to practice mechanics at home.

    The number 1 barrier to for not changing gear cables, headset bearings, bottom brackets, brake bleeds or other bike maintenance tasks is the expense of tools, not a lack of interest or skills.