1. What is the program?

    6 months of 1:1 virtual coaching with me ( an ex-binge eating dietitian) to help you ditch binge eating for good.

    It combines nutrition counselling, mindset coaching and body image work.

    You get
    1:1 zoom consults with me
    Unlimited messaging support
    A toolbox of resources

  2. What are your qualifications?

    I am an accrediting practicing dietitian (Masters, 2y) AND a qualified nutritionist (Bachelor, 3y) who is trained and experienced in binge eating and body image.

  3. Do you do weight loss plans?

    Restriction (mental and physical) is a key trigger for overeating and therefore intentional weight loss is not appropriate when trying to stop binge eating.

  4. What support do you offer between sessions?

    You get unlimited access to me between sessions via a walkey talky chat app. You can send voice notes, messages, photos, anything you need that will help you when you need support.

  5. What does nutrition counseling mean?

    Personalised nutrition advice, education and support to help you listen to your body and nourish it with confidence.

  6. What’s mindset coaching about?

    Mindset coaching helps you to shift the way you think about food/your body and retrain your brain to work in your favour instead of rebelling and self sabotaging.

  7. What’s body image work about?

    It’s about not letting how you feel about you body rule your life, to feel more neutral about it and not let it define your worth.

  8. Whats a TOOLBOX?

    Your toolbox is a virtual bank of resources that accompanies our work together that you can access from your desk top or your phone. Your toolbox grows with you throughout the program and is yours to keep forever.

    At ‘baseline’ your toolbox starts with…

    • snack & recipe inspiration
    • portions, meal planning & shopping guides
    • assessments & reflective worksheets
    • fun activities and explorative homework
    • helpful links & resources

  9. What else do we cover?

    We explore things such as perfectionism, people pleasing, boundaries, family upbringing and whatever else might be playing a role in your food & body relationship. We also talk how to include more fun & fitness in your life and make intentional choices for your health without resorting to extremes

  10. Is it a structured program?

    The program has a rough ‘plan’ to guide you towards addressing all the components needed to help you achieve food freedom, however your work with me is personalised based on your unique needs.

  11. How do I know this program works?

    The program addresses the 3 key components of binge eating that are researched to play an important role in long term improvements
    • diet rigidity
    • emotional regulation
    • body image

    As a qualified health professional in Australia I am not allowed to provide testimonials ‘proving’ that my program works however I can share that I am incredibly passionate about helping my clients achieve their goals & continue to review the program, up-skill, and get supervision to ensure my clients get the best possible care.

    As someone with a lived experience of binge eating disorder it is my personal mission to ensure no one has to go through this alone.


I used to be a binge eater.
I felt out of control around food and thought about eating (or not eating) 24/7.

I wanted so bad to be “healthy” and lose weight. But I didn’t have the willpower!

Ice-cream was my kryptonite. It was at the top of my “do not eat” list, but when I eventually caved, I would binge uncontrollably on it. Proving to myself I couldn’t be trusted.

I would feel so guilty all the time. “Why did I eat that, I don’t even like cake!”

My weight would yo-yo up and down, and even when I lost weight it was never enough (and wouldn’t last for long anyway). I was so scared of gaining weight, but I couldn’t stop myself from eating what I shouldn’t.

I was angry at myself and ashamed. I would eat in secret and ask “Why am I like this!”

I didn’t have the answer then.
But now I do.

Now I don’t binge.
Now I’m totally in charge of my food choices. The shame and guilt that had become a part of my life? Gone!

I would have never believed you if you told me I would one day be able to have snacks and ice-cream in my house... and forget they were even there!

I finally understand why I felt that way and through understanding the WHY I was able to take action to heal my relationship with food.

I feel so free and in charge, and now I help others feel the same.

I help womxn all over the world stop binge eating, stop feeling guilty, and finally feel in charge around food.

I can help you too.

Important things to know about dietitians

Every dietitian is also a nutritionist.

A dietitian has ADDITIONAL education ON TOP of a nutrition degree

Nutritionist is not a protected title. Anyone can call them self a nutritionist, even if they only have a 5 day online certificate

You must have 4-5 years of university education to be a dietitian

Dietitians in Australia are accredited with the Dietitians association (DA) and must do continual education every year

Dietitians in Australia are not allowed to provide testimonials as it is considered unethical by the DA

Dietetic consults are covered by Medicare and private health in Australia

Dietitians are trained in medical nutrition therapy, meaning they can give food and supplement advice to treat medical conditions.

Nutritionist (and dietitians) are trained to provide nutrition counselling, meaning they provide nutrition support and advice for general health and wellbeing.

*technically* only dietitians, therapists and GPs are supposed to TREAT eating disorders such as binge eating

Don’t forget to put the TIT in dieTITian



• you binge eat
• frequently over-eat
• eat emotionally
• feel out of control around food

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