1:1 Miracle Meeting

To unlock your miracles in a single encounter, click the link below to for my 1:1 3 hour intensive Miracle Meeting.

You’ve overcome so much on your journey.

What you have created?

Most would say is impossible.
But you’ve done it. 

NOW, you’re ready to FEEL the magnitude of the power that got you here. 

It wasn’t your hard work.
It wasn’t your grit.
It was your power. 

You’re ready to feel safe in the full scope of your feminine miracle power. 

To enjoy the journey.

To know spaciousness. 

To be so deeply present in your relationships that it is your presence that facilitates miracles, instead of anything you do. 

THIS is your next level.
Not another strategy, product or team member.

Not another personal growth challenge

Your vitality, joy and presence is the conduit for the miracles you deserve.

It’s your time for the inner shift that creates massive miracle ripples throughout your life, work and contribution. 

Survival mode is history.
Miracles are Now. 

If you’re ready to let yourself be led and driven by your desire and release all that is not in alignment with that, I have a very special opportunity to work intensively with me. 

To unlock your miracles in a single encounter, click the link below to for my 1:1 3 hour intensive Miracle Meeting.

This is an invitation to work with me 1:1 for a 3 hour intensive in a Miracle Meeting.

Bring your desired miracle to the call and we will go deep with whatever needs to be resolved for you to reconnect with yourself and experience the miracles that are lying dormant inside of you.

Whether you choose to resolve the heartache that’s been keeping you awake at night, trade fear and anxiety in for embodied confidence, deepen your connection with yourself and your intuition, reclaim your feminine power, transform how you relate to yourself, your dreams, those you love and what you desire, the miracle of your transformation and its ripple effect is already inside of you. Together, we will unlock it.

You will channel your own embodied pathway forward, having embodied the new role you choose- free from past programming and patterns.

We will release, reframe, reClaim and embody.

Your soul has already decided if this work is for you.

To unlock your miracles in a single encounter, click the link below to for my 1:1 3 hour intensive Miracle Meeting.

Work With Me

Heal Yourself. Change the World.

I work with women who desire deep expansion no matter what. 

Women who want to work with the frequency of vibration and the unseen. 

Women who want to access their power and their true Soul's calling. 

Women who want to be led by their soul's potent visions and will dive into the deep over and over again.

Women who want to heal and be deeply free.

The frequency I hold is accelerated as I am here to shine a light on the dark spots so that you may be liberated. 

It doesn't matter to me what you want to create.

Does it bring more Love to the world and to your world?

Does it come from the depths of your Soul?

Are you willing to let go of the barriers within you that keep you from being the most incredible version of who you really are?

This work is not for everyone. You will learn to live on the edge of your edge. 

You will access your deepest truth and you will create a life of alignment from your luminescent, brilliant, radiant Self which means...you have to be willing to lead yourself through what may seem like darkness to rise into a new, unencumbered version of yourself.

What would be a miracle for you? That's the realm we will consistently work with for one year.

Your results come from you.

You have all the power.

You WILL heal and release energetic and emotional patterns that have caused you pain, held you back or have remained swirling in your system that stand between you and the brilliance you are. Clear your DNA, cellular memory and your entire circuitry of stagnant energy.

You WILL rise into newfound power over and over again.

You WILL identify and merge with new versions of yourself over and over again.

Imagine what would be possible for you.

If you are READY to change your world, create new paradigms for yourself and do it all from within, my highest level service is for you.

We will work in the realms of frequency, vibration, and the unseen. You will come to know your exquisite power from deep within.

You will develop the courage to make power moves inside and out that free you from smallness and come directly from the guidance of your Soul's truth.

It will challenge you as you shift yourself from identifying with the evidence of the physical world into identifying yourself with the wisdom and magic of the Universe held within you. Become alive again.

This is an ALL IN and I meet you there in the depths of YOU.

Therefore I require the highest commitment emotionally, mentally, spiritually and yes, the financial investment is high but it is a small portion of the total commitment from you. This is your life after all, so All In only makes sense.

Who would you have to be? What would you focus on? How would your life change?

I will guide you, help you heal, channel Higher Order Truths for you, tell you the truth as I see it and make Great Asks that will expand your world and quantum leap you.

Your job is to show up intentionally, powerfully and ready to see this One Year through. 

Limited spaces are available for this service throughout the year.

If you see this page then space is available.
And if this speaks deeply to you...I am full of Joy that we have found each other.

EMAIL: theofficialmarilyn@gmail.com to apply.

-Marilyn xx