One By One Postpartum

One By One Postpartum LLC

About birth support

A birth doula provides physical, emotional and mental support during your pregnancy, labor and birth.

Birth doula support can look different for every one based on need, but also when we start working together. Generally, it includes:

Three informational prenatal sessions (childbirth education, comfort measures and postpartum)

Consistent check ins during your pregnancy to answer questions, discuss doctor appointments and process information, as well as

My being on call starting at 36 weeks to support you and your support person(s) during labor.

One brief, in person postpartum visit is also included to discuss the birth, refer additional providers, etc


Package with additional 12 postpartum hours available for $1800

About postpartum support

What does a postpartum doula do ?

A postpartum doula provide physical and emotional support after you bring home your baby.

Postpartum doula support can vary based on what your family may need.
Generally, it covers the following:

Newborn care

Light house work ( running the dishwasher, sweeping, wiping counters, bottle cleaning, baby laundry, etc)

Monitor birth parent for PMADs

Refer out to additional support as needed

Provide references and demos for baby "gear" i.e swaddles, carriers, bottles, toys, etc)

Nursery and some common area organization

Check in with partners

Light meal preparation

Doula support can look different during day and night but typically covers a lot of the things mentioned above.

Day Support $50| Night Support $55