On Mondays we Meditate!

Welcome! Each episode of this podcast will take you through a different meditation or exercise for mindfulness and wellbeing. Include these recordings as part of your regular routine or listen to them whenever you need them most.


Gina Rose Drew

Heya! I’m Gina Rose and I’m the voice behind these meditations. I began listening to mediations as a way to bring more mindfulness into my routine and it is my hope to inspire others to do the same. About a year ago, I was managing a multi-million dollar retail business. My day to day was 3 coffees before 10am, always working overtime and holding myself in a constant state of perfection all under the guise of success. It took me 6 years to realise I wasn’t happy. I was putting on a character when I came into work in order to be the “Boss”, the “Mother”, the “Motivator” or whoever was needed that day to maintain the impossibly high standard I was holding myself to. My days were blending together and slowly I became someone I couldn’t recognise anymore. On various occasions I lost my temper; at strangers, colleagues and even with those I loved the most. I looked in the mirror and I hated the person staring back at me. It took me several months after this realisation to make the decision to start again, but I am so happy I did. I didn’t become a wellness warrior overnight, and to be honest I’m still on my own journey with mental health and self-love. However, I no longer wake up on Mondays, drink 3 coffees dreading the week ahead. I wake up, have ONE coffee(hehe), tell myself how freaking amazing I am and know that my week is going to be awesome because ON MONDAYS WE MEDITATE!

Want to show your support?

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Sponsorship and Collaboration

Partner with me!

I am always on the lookout for new show partners and sponsors to connect with. I look to partner with brands that add value to this community and if you're curious about how we can work together then shoot me an email below.