Who is Matthew “Matt” Wirgler?
Matthew Louise Wirgler, born June 29th 1971, is an embezzlement fraud who has made a considerably large amount of money from financially manipulating college students. Embezzlement is a type of financial fraud where someone takes money or assets that were entrusted to them and uses them for a different purpose than for what they were intended. The act of embezzlement involves the misuse of entrusted funds or assets for personal gain. His opulent mansion in Laguna Beach demands an exorbitant monthly rent, estimated to be around $10,000. To enhance his reputation, Wirgler allegedly paid an online news outlet to falsely portray him as a "Multi Millionaire", a claim that held some truth in the past. However, with the growing awareness of his criminal history and fraudulent behavior, it seems that he has now lost his millionaire status.
What is AWSOM?
AWSOM is a business founded by Matthew Wirgler in which he holds the title of “pastor”, although he is not a legitimate, sanctified pastor. He created this group to embezzle money from college students and young adults. This group does not have a physical building, and holds weekly services in parks across Orange County such as Mike Ward Communuty Park in Irvine, Lake Forest Sports Park in Lake Forest and Santiago Hills Park in Orange. The contributions given each week by the church members do not go back to the church like Matthew Wirgler claims. Matthew Wirgler uses God’s name in order to deceive young people into giving him money. Churches are one of the easiest organizations for criminals to embezzle money from, and it’s not as uncommon as one may believe. Let’s take Kris Jenner for instance. Kris Jenner owns a church in Los Angeles, California that’s been under multiple names. The church members must pay a monthly fee of $1,000, and Kris Jenner claims that this money goes to charity. Upon investigation by the IRS, the church money does not go into charity, but instead, goes into her bank account. Essentially, that is exactly what Matthew Wirgler does. The Bible describes “giving” or “tithe” as paying a fund in order to support a church and its members. Unfortunately, many church leaders use the word “tithe” in order to gain a profit for themselves. All the money that members of AWSOM give each week goes directly into Matthew Wirgler’s bank account in order to fund his lifestyle. It doesn’t go to the events, or the “church”, or the members, it goes directly to him, and he’s used the money to purchase two teslas and a beach house. Matthew Wirgler and the leaders of AWSOM seek out mostly young people because they’re the easiest to manipulate and deceive.
If you would like to see Matthew Wirgler’s public court documents and financial transactions yourself, you may request copies from Martinez Courthouse in California. Matthew Wirgler claims that these bank statements are typed up excel sheets and are not legitimate. These bank statements are not excel sheets or typed up documents. They are real, legitimate bank statements. In fact, there are boxes upon boxes of court cases and documents with Matthew Wirgler’s name on it.
(925) 608–1000.
Matthew Wirgler steals the church’s contribution money
The church uses an app called Tithely to receive contributions. Tithely is an app in which one can send money to another individual, similar to CashApp. Members of AWSOM must pledge to give a certain amount of money for each service. Upon asking multiple members, “Where does the money go?” Some members said, “The offerings go to other members of the ministry. If someone needs help financially whether that’s moving, or paying rent, the money goes into funding the disciples.” Although, the same members who said this later reported that they were never financially supported in any way by the contributions, and that they were only instructed to say this. Other members said, “I’m not totally sure, you should ask Matthew.” Upon asking Matthew, he said, “The weekly contributions are being saved up in a bank account for special circumstances.” There’s been reports of members who became homeless, and Matthew Wirgler’s “church” did not support them financially. Meanwhile, the money that’s being paid every week through the app “Tithely”, is going straight to Matthew Wirglers pockets, according to his bank records. At AWSOM, special members called “apostles” are told to give $100 each week and that this money is going to God. Even though the contributions given each week is enough money to fund the weekly services, the members of the church who are mostly college students are instructed to use their own money and EBT cards to purchase food and decorations for weekly church events. Matthew Wirgler has ministries in multiple locations including Dallas, Texas, Orlando, Florida and Orange County, California that all give weekly. The church currently has approximately 150 members. If 50 people are giving $100 a week, how much money is that in a month? That’s 20,000 in a month. How much money is that in 6 months? That’s 130,000. If AWSOM church is making this much money, why are its members still being asked to use their EBT and money from work to fund the events when the money given through contribution is enough? The money isn’t being “saved” it’s being spent by Matthew Wirgler.
Upon contacting a Tithely representative, they gave me information on how deposits on the app work. The creator of the account gets the money deposited into their bank account. The person who created the account is Matthew Wirgler, therefore the money gets deposited into his account, yet he claims that he doesn’t have access to the account that the contributions go to. Upon investigation, Tithely was able to confirm that the account was indeed attached to his name.
Tithely representatives are more than happy to answer questions about how transactions on the app work
What lies does Matthew Wirgler tell members of AWSOM?
Matthew Wirgler tells members of AWSOM that AWSOM is the one true church, and that anyone who isn’t apart of AWSOM is going to hell. He says this in order to retain members. Leaving a church does not always mean that one is turning away from God. It can mean that the individual may have found a church better suited for them. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that AWSOM is the one true church, or that we should belong to one particular church.
A mother came forward and confessed that Matthew scammed her of $3,095. You can read it for yourself.
Matthew Wirgler tells members of the church that he doesn’t have access to the account that contributions go to. According to his bank statements, Matthew does have access to the church’s money.
Matthew Wirgler says that members who leave AWSOM church are non-believers and are leaving because they don’t want to live for God. Members of the church have left because they indeed are true believers and didn’t want to follow a man who claims to be a pastor, but is a con artist. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1.
Matthew Wirgler makes members of AWSOM sign an NDA form. He says the NDA form is meant to protect other members of the church from having their information put out. If one thoroughly reads the agreement before signing the paper, you will notice that the agreement is between the signee and Matthew Wirgler, therefore it’s false that the NDA protects anyone but himself. The NDA form is a scare tactic used by Matthew Wirgler to keep people in the group quiet.
Matthew Wirgler is currently in a relationship with, and is sleeping with his girlfriend, whom he calls his “wife”, yet, there is no marriage certificate. To get away with this, Matthew Wirgler lies and says it’s not necessary to get married with a marriage certificate. This is a false teaching. God only considers a man and a woman married when they are legally married. The scriptural support for this view is the command to obey the government’s laws (Romans 13:1 — 7; 1 Peter 2:17). If the government requires certain procedures and paperwork to be completed before a marriage is recognized, then a couple should submit themselves to that process. Romans 13:1 — 2 tells us, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”
Matthew Wirgler demands loyalty from the leaders of AWSOM. This is not about loyalty to Christ, but about loyalty to his leadership only. This is accomplished by setting up a system where disloyalty or disagreement with his leadership is considered disobeying God. Questioning his leadership is not allowed.
Such spiritual manipulation denies the truth of Ephesians 1:22, which says that Christ is the Head of the church. Our loyalty is due to Him.
Matthew Wirgler tells new members of AWSOM to not speak to the members who have left. I’ve interviewed dozens of former AWSOM members and they all left for the same reasons: Verbal abuse. Physical abuse (In some cases). Emotional abuse. Current members of the church are told to block former members of the church, with absolutely no expectation. If the leaders of the church suspect that current members are still in contact with a former members, they will forcefully go through your phone, sometimes without permission. If they find out you are in contact with a former member, they will excommunicate you from the group and harass you with Reddit posts and death threats, just as they’ve done with every former member. Any religious group that prevents its members from doing independent research, or from challenging what the leadership says, must have something to fear.
Matthew Wirgler manipulates the members of his church and tells them they need to pay a certain amount of money each week. This is a false teaching. Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the Law in which the Israelites were to give 10 percent of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the tabernacle/temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says gifts should be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Tithing does not apply to believers today.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7.
“For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness.” 2 Corinthians 8:12–14.
Does Matthew Wirgler have any other schemes besides AWSOM?
Yes, Matthew Wirgler owns multiple organizations. Matthew Wirgler owns a basketball tournament organization called “CLUB ONE BASKETBALL” and “Strength to Strength training” which according to the website is free for all students, “In order to continue providing FREE basketball to our players, the tournaments charge an entrance fee at the door ($15/adults, $10/children) PLAYERS ARE FREE but we ask that each player is accompanied by an adult spectator.” Here, we see Matthew Wirgler using appealing words to manipulate the situation at hand. The simple reality is that if parents and students have to pay money, then it’s not free. Parents have to pay for every tournament their child plays, therefore the statement that this basketball club is free is completely false. Matthew Wirglers basketball business began to get slandered by reviews left by parents whose children were enrolled in the club. According to reports made by dozens of parents, Matthew Wirgler continually charges parents’ credit cards, even after they’ve canceled their membership and left the club. When this began to happen, Matthew Wirgler asked members of AWSOM to leave positive reviews on his website, even though these members have no experience with the basketball club whatsoever. Matthew Wirgler asked members of his ministry to lie on his behalf so that his business would seem legitimate. Not very Christian like, Mr. Wirgler.
Matthew Wirglers Businesses
Matthew Wirgler makes members of his “church” sign an NDA form
NDAs, or non-disclosure agreements, are legally enforceable contracts that create a confidential relationship between a person who has sensitive information and a person who will gain access to that information. Once an individual has been a member of AWSOM for a certain amount of time, Matthew Wirgler or his team, asks the individual to sign an NDA. According to individuals who have signed the NDA, Matthew Wirgler says that it’s not necessary for them to read the whole form and that they should just go ahead and sign it. Matthew Wirgler says, “The NDA protects the disciples of this church from getting their personal information spread around.” But this is not at all true. I have gotten reports from members who said their calls were recorded without their consent, and personal information such as their address, were stored on the churches database so they can show up to their house if they try to leave the church. If this NDA form is meant to protect members of AWSOM, then calls wouldn’t have been recorded when there was personal information being shared. This is illegal in the state of California. Matthew Wirgler asks individuals of the church to sign an NDA because it protects him. The NDA is a scare tactic meant to stop any of the members from speaking out about Matthew Wirgler’s schemes to other members of the church. The NDA form that Matthew Wirgler makes individuals sign is completely non-binding and was created by him, and him alone. There are former members of the church who have gotten literal death threats from Matthew Wirgler himself and other leaders of the church for coming out against him, and sharing their story on platforms like Reddit. Ask yourself, does it seem Godly for a pastor to be threatening people? If you’ve signed the NDA but you have information about Matthew Wirgler, you are allowed to release it. Matthew Wirgler’s “NDA form” is a scare tactic that he uses to try and prevent the truth about him from coming out. Legally, if you’re aware of a crime you are required to report it, regardless if you signed an NDA form. On the NDA form, there’s a statement that says, “Upon the termination of the relationship between the parties, RECIPIENT must immediately return or destroy any records of the DISCLOSER’s Confidential Information RECIPIENT possesses and certify the destruction in writing. RECIPIENT may retain no copies of Confidential Information in any form.” This statement is supposed to prevent anyone who signs this NDA form, from coming out against Matthew Wirgler if they choose to leave the church. Again, this NDA form is non-binding because it was created by Matthew Wirgler and not a legitimate legal professional.
How does Matthew Wirgler manipulate the members of AWSOM?
The members of AWSOM go through what is called “training” When members of the church are trained, they’re ultimately being trained on what to say to newer members of the group if they start asking questions. Matthew Wirgler is in charge of how members at AWSOM are trained. In order to prevent members of the church from leaving, older members are told to participate in what is called “Love bombing” Love bombing is a type of emotional abuse where someone uses grand gestures to manipulate another person. According to testimonies, members known as “mentors” will call newer recruits about five times a day, show up to their homes if they don’t return calls, and pressure them into dropping out of school to join the “church” full time. This is a tactic used in order to produce retention. The more people that leave, the less money that goes into Matthew Wirgler’s bank account. He’s a “pastor” yet he never actually leads or preaches, he’s just there to make sure that the members of his business continue to put money in his bank account.
If a parent tells their child to not attend AWSOM church due to its reputation, the leaders of the church tell the individual that they are being persecuted by their parents, and that the devil is using their parents to stop them from joining. They then persuade the student into cutting off all communication with their family, because they are not “true believers.” Persecution is hostility and ill-treatment, especially on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or political belief. It’s simply NOT persecution for a parent to tell their child to not join a specific church because of its illegitimacy. This is a false teaching. I’ve spoken to numerous parents who’s son or daughter is currently a member of AWSOM, and they informed me that they’ve been met with backlash in the form of harassment and threats by members of the church during instances when they tried reaching out to their child. “Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. ‘Honor your father and mother.’ This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, ‘Things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” Ephesians. 6:1–3.
Legitimate Christian organizations will register with the college that they are ministering to. AWSOM church is not registered at any of the colleges that they recruit people from. Members of AWSOM church can be found recruiting at Saddleback College, UC Irvine, Fullerton College, Cal State Fullerton, Coastline Community College, and Irvine Valley College. If any of the members of AWSOM approach you while you are on campus, reach out to campus police and file a complaint.
Does AWSOM have any social media accounts?
No, AWSOM does not have social media accounts. If you ask any of the leaders of the church, “Why doesn’t AWSOM have any social media accounts?” They’re instructed to say, “Because we’re a new church and we haven’t gotten that set up yet.” This is yet another lie. AWSOM is not new, it’s simply under a different name. AWSOM has been under different names such as San Francisco Church of Christ, Lifeway San Ramon, Tri-Valley church, LifeWay, Elevate Church, and now AWSOM. Many individuals have spoken out against Matthew Wirgler, and in order to rebrand his “church” he changes the church’s name. Every time a large amount of people speak out against Matthew Wirgler, he’ll change the name of the “church” in order to disguise himself and get away with more embezzlement. He’s been doing this for more than ten years.
There are members currently in AWSOM who know about Matthew Wirgler’s criminal activities and are protecting him. Their names are Kevin Prasad, Neza Prasad and Jasilynn Williams.
Who are the leaders?
The founder of AWSOM is Matthew Louise Wirgler
The leaders are Breanna Zeppeda (Matthew’s girlfriend), Kayla Wirgler (Matthew’s daughter), Kevin Prasad (Matthew’s right hand), Neza Prasad (Kevin’s wife), Jasilynn Williams, Tracey Shorter ll and Matthew Sakogawa. This is not a complete list.
What is ICC?
The International Christian Church (ICC) is a religious group that practices a strict, manipulative form of “discipleship” and seeks to control its membership to an ungodly extent, and many people have been hurt emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually as a result of the ICC’s oppressive practices, errant view of salvation, and other false doctrines. Reputedly, Matthew Wirgler is a corrupt member of ICC, and first became a member of ICC in 1992. Matthew Wirgler claims he writes the scriptures that are taught during fellowship, though comparing his teaching to that of ICC, this is false. Matthew Wirgler’s teachings are not directly sourced from scriptures. Rather, he takes teachings from the Bible and manipulates their meaning. Matthew Wirgler’s inspiration for his false teachings are from the “First Principles” written by Kip Mckean, former member of City of Angels International Christian Church. Kip Mckean is an American former minister of the International Churches of Christ and is a current minister of the City of Angels International Christian Church and World Missions Evangelist of the International Christian Churches. Kip Mckean was kicked out of the ICC for wanting power, branched off and created his own false ministry. Matthew Wirgler’s teachings are based on Kip Mckean’s teachings, but to his own liking. Matthew Wirgler takes studies from City of Angels church and changes the wording.
What are some teachings from ICC that Matthew Wirgler preaches?
1. The Word Study: Indirectly gains a commitment to accept the group’s interpretation of truth.
2. Discipleship Study: Proves that the student is in need of salvation as defined by the group.
3. Kingdom Study: Shows that the group is the Kingdom of God. Convinces the student to put the group above all other priorities.
4. Sin and Repentance: Induces guilt in the student about their past actions. Introduces a system of confession which will become an effective tool in maintaining control over the convert.
5. Light and Darkness: Reveals a religious ritual which is the secret of salvation. Shows the student that they are “in darkness” until they are baptized into the group.
6. Denominationalism and False Doctrines: Proves that all other religious groups are invalid. Discredits beliefs espoused by other, (invalid) religious groups.
7. Holy Spirit: Refutes more perceived false teachings in other religious groups, while simultaneously clarifying and solidifying ICC positions.
8. The Church: Solidifies the student’s commitment to the organization (church).
9. Counting the Cost: Gains a final commitment that the recruit will meet the conditions of membership. Withholds “salvation” from those who will not accede to these conditions.
Each study in the series seeks the student’s agreement to a set of concepts or challenges. The techniques used to gain these commitments include scripture twisting, logically unsound arguments, peer pressure, and emotional manipulation so that the student will need to agree with the group’s teachings to attain “salvation.” In spite of any good intentions by the study leader, the very structure of the studies is manipulative. As the student reaches the later studies, the commitments sought from them become increasingly specific. Ultimately the recruit will be asked to agree to a complete package of doctrines and expectations. After a gradual and systematic narrowing of the student’s options, the only acceptable choice is for them to become a member of the group.
Several practices insure that peer pressure will occur during the period of study. Ideally, each study in the series will be taught by at least two members. ICC members have been taught that the first step to “win people to Christ” is to “build a good friendship” and there is an emphasis on becoming the “best friend” of the people they are studying with.
This is the full page of ICC lessons that current members of AWSOM are told to use when recruiting new members into the church. It details exactly what they should say and do. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, it details what needs to be done in order to prevent members from leaving the church. Everything is scripted.
How does Matthew Wirgler use ICC teachings to manipulate people?
“What is the greatest difference you see between our church and other groups?”
“Are you willing to leave your family to join us?”
“Make sure he/she understands that it is not God’s will for him to attend any other church.”
“Make sure he/she understands that persecution is the inevitable result of preaching repentance.”
“You have to attend all services, or you’re not a true disciple.”
“You will go to hell if you are not a disciple.”
AWSOM members are generally expected to give at least 10% of their gross income to the church. There is no New Testament scripture to support mandatory tithing. It was the Law of Moses which had commanded the Israelites to give a tithe (tenth). AWSOM has conveniently reinstated an Old Testament policy.
ICC/ICOC admitting to their false teachings and manipulation tactics
Kip Mckean’s teachings
Kip Mckean is a false teacher
What is spiritual manipulation? “Spiritual manipulation is a technique used by abusive churches, cults and individuals to control and acquire gain, all the while giving the impression that their teachings and actions are based on the Bible and approved by God.”
Victims of spiritual manipulation don’t realize what’s happening to them. Here are some indicators of a spiritually manipulative church:
1. Exclusivism (“we alone are right, and everybody else is wrong”)
2. Isolation (refusal to associate with anyone but spiritual brothers and sisters)
3. Legalism — control every aspect of life
4. Demands for obedience/ Unquestioning submission
5. Exclusivism (we alone are faithful, and everybody else is unfaithful)
6. Isolation (refusal to associate with anyone but those who support manipulator)
7. Humiliation of the “disobedient” or questioner
8. Manipulation of emotions by claiming spiritual experience
For those who are surviving AWSOM, you are not alone. Spiritual abuse is a tough thing to go through and will take time to recover and heal from. If you are unsure of whether you’re experiencing spiritual abuse and manipulation, here are some signs that might give you clarity:
1. The presence of absolute authority with no sense of responsibility or transparency.
2. An intolerance towards any form of criticism or inquiry.
3. Lack of proper financial disclosure and transparency regarding the organization's budget.
4. Unfounded fears about external forces, often involving conspiracies and acts of persecution.
5. The belief that those who leave are always in the wrong and that no one else has a valid reason to leave.
6. The mistreatment and exploitation of members.
7. Documented evidence, such as records, books, articles, or programs, that highlight the leader's or group's abusive actions.
8. Followers constantly feel inadequate and unable to meet expectations.
9. The belief that the leader is always right and cannot be questioned.
10. The belief that the leader is the only source of truth and validation.
If you or someone you know is experiencing trauma from AWSOM church or any similar situation, it may be beneficial to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professional resources.
1. Members aren't allowed to speak to anyone that leaves the church
2. Members are asked to quit work and drop out of school to become a full time member of the church
3. The pastor, Matthew Wirgler, is verbally and physically abusive
4. Theirs been instances where people have been physically stopped from leaving the church
5. They've show up to members houses when they stopped coming to events
6. The pastor is a pervert and has made sexual comments about the female members at AWSOM
7. The pastor is extremely aggressive.
According to eyewitnesses, he pushed someone into a fence and punched someone in the face during a football game
8. If you leave the church, they will harass you and send death threats
9. If you speak out against them, they will harass you and send death threats
10. Leaders of the church have stolen peoples belongings, resulting in a police report being filed
11. Many members of the church have been homeless with no financial support from the church whatsoever
12. At one point, the church had 500 members. It now has around 160.
13. Matthew Wirgler had a ministry in Filipino that he shut down because according to him, "The Filipinos weren't giving him enough money."
14. Special members called "apostles" are expected to pay $100 a week
15. Matthew Wirgler and the leaders pressure members into paying contributions and if they don't, they're told that they don't really love God
16. Members can only date people in the church. If a new member is dating anyone outside of the church, they're told to break up with them
17. Leaders of the church belittle people who struggle with mental health
18. Every time Matthew Wirgler gets called out, he changes the churches name: Elevate Church, LifeWay, Tri-Valley Church, LifeWay San Ramon and now AWSOM
19. The pastor makes members sign an
NDA form
20. The pastor is a member of ICC, and that's where he gets his teachings from
21. The members of the church have to pay for everything using their own money and EBT card, while the pastor
"saves" all the contributions
22. Matthew Wirgler says in January, he's going to start paying apostles. He'll pay them for a week and then cut them off. He's done this multiple times
23. Matthew Wirgler gets the leaders of the group to constantly harass people who have left the church
24. Matthew Wirgler has a basketball business that he put under Jasilynn Williams and Kevin Prasad's names so if the business gets sued, Jasilynn and Kevin would be the ones to get sued
25. If you leave the church, the pastors daughter Kayla Wirgler will harass you from her burner phone number
26. If you try to leave the group, sometimes they will PHYSICALLY stop you from leaving
27. Certain members of the church are told what to say and do to keep other members under control
28. If you haven't shown up in a while or you go M.I.A, they'll show up at your house
29. You're absolutely not allowed to talk to anyone who's left the group
30. Members of the church are told to cut off their family members that don't support the church
31. If you leave the group, they tell members to block you and ignore your messages
32. Matthew Wirgler tells members that his source of income is from his «basketball business" Although, his income is actually from contributions that are given to him each week. His basketball business is not successful enough to pay his monthly rent of $10,000
33. Members of the church are manipulated into believing that anytime someone speaks out against the church, it is, the devil speaking through them"
34. Parents of current members are threatened and harassed if they attempt to contact their son or daughter
35. New members are not to be left alone by themselves or with another new member at any point in time. New members must always be accompanied by their "mentor", the person who recruited them into the church.
“An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule in their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?” (Jeremiah 5:30–31).
“For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger… So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Matthew 23).
“The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord God: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them.” (Ezek 34:1–4).
Jesus told His disciples they would be like sheep among wolves and instructed them to be “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
“Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.” (Jeremiah 14:14).
“This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:16).
File a campus police report for any incidents that occur on your university or college campus. College campus police department contact info per campus:
Saddleback College: (949) 582-4585
UC Irvine: (949) 824-5223
Fullerton College: (657) 278-2515 or (714) 992-7080
Cal State Fullerton: (657) 278-2515
Coastline Community College: (714) 241-6360
Irvine Valley College: (949) 451-5200
Collin College: (972) 578-5555
Lone Star College: (903) 656-2491
University of Central Florida: (407) 823-5555
Valencia East and West Colleges: (407) 582-8200
1. "Bible Study Group." Reddit,
2. "Club One Basketball." Better Business Bureau,
3. "FirstPrinciples_Eng.pdf." City of Angels International Christian Church,
4. "International Christian Church.",
5. "Kris Jenner Allegedly Established Church to Write Off Tax." Christianity Daily,
6. "Lifeway Church San Ramon." All US Churches,
7. "Pierce Street House." The Other L.A. Coalition,
8. “Strength 2 Strength.” Mashable,
9. “AWSOM handbook of tactics.”,
Do your own research
- AWSOM handbook of tactics
- “Bible Study Group”, Reddit
- "International Christian Church.",
- “First Principles.”, City of Angels International Christian Church
- “Club One Basketball.” Better Business Bureau
- "Kris Jenner Allegedly Established Church to Write Off Tax." Christianity Daily
- "Pierce Street House." The Other L.A. Coalition
- "Lifeway Church San Ramon." All US Churches