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Oh, Hey, I Wrote These
The 2024 Holiday Movie Preview
It's another one of those things where I write about 30 movies I haven't seen. Am I magical, or am I just good at rewriting loglines? In any case, if you want to hide away for the next couple months, here are some movies you can watch while you do it
Hide in a nice dark theater2024 Summer Movie Guide
Write up 30-odd movies I haven't seen? Again? 'Kay. This is 25% of why I've been pretty much uncommunicado for the past little while. The other 75% had better make for a great book in the future.
Get your summer onThe 2023 Holiday Movie Preview
"You know how you wrote up a bunch of horror movies you haven't seen? Now write up 30 movies you haven't seen, coordinate exclusive photos and present it all in 2 completely different formats. You have 48 hours."
"... 'Kay. "
The 23 Best Scary Movies For Kids, Ranked
Also suitable for grown-ups who find their lives frightening enough without cinematic enhancement.
Ooh, scaryTop 15 Horror Movies That Release In 2024
The fact that something does not yet exist will never stop me from writing about it.
Ooh, spooky2022 Movies Directed By Women
Hey, did you know some women are directors? It's true - I've met some! I've even worked with some! And a bunch of them are putting out really good movies in the next year! How crazy is that?!
Your 2022 watch listFandango Staff Picks: Home For The Holidays
You've seen plenty of lists featuring the same dozen movies. If you need a family movie that the whole family can actually enjoy, a movie about families of friends, or something with musical numbers about zombies, this is your list.
That holiday movie listFandango Staff Picks: Murder Mysteries
Whodunnits, howdunnits and whydunnits. Did I feature Clue in there just so I could post the "flames on the side of my face" scene? Hi, have you MET me?
Murder Mysteries!Fandango Staff Picks: Mind-Bending Thrillers
Thrills, chills and general WTFery
Thrill RidesFandango Staff Picks: Modern Updates Of Classic Literature
Don't call it a cheat sheet. Call it a survey of movies based on classic stories, because that's what it is. Most of your favorite '90s teen movies are on here. Come for Clueless and Easy A; stay for me flexing my knowledge of ancient Greek drama.
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