Welcome to Our Mindful Minis 🦋
Hi! I’m Alex 👋🏻
I create affordable fun filled activities for kids, educational material, posters, decor and more!
All made and sourced within Australia. 🦘
Explore, Learn, Play and just Love.
FREE mindful tips and essentials to support you and your mini/s to use mindfulness in our every day lives.
Being aware of our mindfulness throughout our lives opens up so many more opportunities and gives us as real sense of what life is really about.
Product range expanding in August 2022 ✨
MM 🦋
Essential Oils will change you life.
Live with vitality | Immune system supoort | Natural support 🌿
Get started as soon as today..
There’s no time like the present.
Start your journey, with me x
Live Free
Enjoy time with your loved ones. Spend your time wisely x
On your terms!
Be your own boss. 💷💭
Your dream lifestyle.
Create an income from the comfort of your own home. Whilst supporting you and your family. Low-tox lifestyle. Removing chemicals from your life and making a change! 🌏