I was born and raised in Woodstock, Ontario. For most of my life, I have gone to school, worked, raised my children, volunteered and participated in activities in Oxford county.
My husband and I keep busy on our farm just outside of Tavistock with horses, goats and chickens. We have five children, one granddaughter and two more on the way!
I also work full-time as a civilian member in the Court Services Division of a local large urban police service. Working in regional prisoner management and our court system has given me a unique world view, empathy for others and the ability to problem solve.
In the past, I have always trusted that the people who were voted into power were working in the best interest of the Canadian population. The events of the last two years have changed my mind. I have been vocal about how our government has chosen to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and other current issues. It has solidified my belief that I must step forward to exact change. I’ve learned to follow the mantra “if not me, then who?”
People are my passion. The many roles I have had – wife, mother, school bus driver, retail clerk, banking supervisor and now, have prepared me to stand here and serve you. I have been serving my community for decades. I know what it’s like to work hard for pay cheques, to try to feed a family on a tight budget, to pay for schooling and tuck away some extra cash for a rainy day. The people of Oxford riding need a leader who can identify with their struggles and issues. I am you, an average person in the Oxford Community trying to make ends meet. I will hear your concerns and ideas from that perspective.
I am excited to take on this next challenge and ask for your support as the candidate for Oxford, standing up for YOU with the New Blue!
Authorized by the CFO of the New Blue Oxford Constituency Association.