PS linksPassion for SharingDS-Popternative interview 20241216S19-SaveStation19 Petition 20231209DS-Macaw, a audio drama 20231219OITNB-10th year anniversary bts photo album 20230711TS-1883mag interview 20230621DS-NotesWithFriends podcast 20230614DS-New Beauty Magazine 20230517DS-photobookmag interview 20230511DS-TheWrap interview 20230504DS-Narrative Mag interview 20230504DS-Cliche Mag interview 20230504DS-shondaland interview 20230503DS-KTLA Entertainment 20230419DS-DIAH20 virtual con 20230507TS-MobyDickMarathon 20230107 Video ( 32:30-48:50)TS-Rose&Ivy Journal interview 20230303TS-LateNightwithSethMeyers 20230206 pt.2TS-LateNightwithSethMeyers 20230206 pt.1TS-KyleMeredith with…TaylorSchilling 20230203TS-Shondaland Interview 20230202TS-DrewBarrymore Show 20230131 pt.2TS-DrewBarrymore Show 20230131 pt1DS-Saturne Magazine Interview 20221126DS-TopazFilmFestival 2022TS-ODDA Mag interview 20220812TS-How do we trust podcast 20220710DS&SS-Paris DINAH con 20220710TS-Backstage “Pam and Tommy” Discuss 20220608TS-TOW Eventbrite 20220421TS-LateNightwSethMeyers v2 20220311TS-LateNightwSethMeyers v1 20220311TS-avclub interview 20220309TS-TheDrewBarrymoreShow 20220308TS-decider interview 20220302TS-GMA ( video ) 20220302TS-VanityFair Game Show(video) 20220212TS-betaseries la radio interview (video) 20220211TS-CinemaBlend interview (video) 20220204TS-W magazine interview interview 20220203TS-Out interview(video) 20220202TS-TheSixOClockShow (video)20220202TS-EOnline interview (video) 20220202TS-Popsugr interview (video) 20220202TS-Decider interview 20220202TS-VGTV interview(video) 20220202TS-eCartelera interview ( video ) 20220202TS-QuePuedoVer interview (video) 20220202TS-TheIndepentent UK interview 20220221TS-“Dear Edward” new apple+tv cast announcement (Deadline) 20220201TS-ScreenRantPlus interview (video) 20220201TS-Rolling Stone Ger interview 20220201TS-Buzz interview (video) 20220201TS-EW interview (video) 20220201TS-Rotten Tomatoes interview (video)20220131TS-TheSunShowbiz interview(video) 20220131TS-RadioTimes interview Interview 20220129TS-TVguides interview (video) 20220128TS-BGN interview (video) 20220127TS-X RAE Podcast (video) 20211212OB-OrphanBlack: TheNextChapter S2 reunion panel 20211118OB-Orphan Black: The Next Chapter audio book season2 20211029TS-TheaterOfWar Texas 20210929TS-The3rd Person podcast 20210925TS-Tay&Dawn IG live 20210824TS-TheProjectTV AU interview 20210812TS-Tay supports TreatyPeopleGathering 20210607TS-Theater Mania interview 20210519TS-Black Girl Nerds interview 20210519TS-Imagista interview 20210225TS-Audible Q&A part 2 20210102TS-Audible Q&A 20201223TS-The House On the Water (Audible audio book) 20201203PSH-The Call ( Netflix ) 20201127TS-LifeStyleTodayShow interview 20201114TS&ML-NYCC round table interview (print ver) 2 , 20201020TS&ML-NYCC round table interview(print ver) 20201013TS-Morning Blend 20201013TS-Rolling Stone The First Time 20201012TS-NYCC Panel live 20201009TS-Monsterland BTS video2 20201009TS-Good Morning Washington 20201009TS-abc10 interview 20201009TS-Hollywood Outbreak 2nd video 20201009TS-Live in a D 20201008TS-Everett Silver Show 20201008TS-Tay & MaryLaws IG live official video 20201004TS-Tay & MaryLaws IG live 20201004TS-Hollywood Outbreak 20201003TS-NBC 6 in the Mix 20201002TS-ABC7 20201002TS-Daily Blast Live 20201001TS-WFLA 20201001TS-Late Night with Seth Meyers v2 20201001TS-Late Night with Seth Meyers v1 20201001TS-On The Red Carpet interview 20201001TS-KRC Radio video 20200929TS-KRC Radio Podcast 20200929TS-Hulu Monsterland exclusive BTS 20200928TS-Good Day NY Video 20200928OITNB x ColorOfChange: Reform, Solidarity, Action 20200612TS-Tay & Jess IG live 20200417TS-Tay reading Stella Luna 20200328 pt2TS&LP-Q&A of YouandIasMother book 20200410TS-Tay & Jenpastiloff IG live 20200429TS-Tay reading Stella Luna 20200328 pt1