Hello and Welcome

PAULINA @that.lowtox.mom

Hi there! I’m so happy you’re here.

I’m Paulina, a full time nurse, wife, mom, wannabe chef, avid cookbook collector and low tow enthusiast. I don’t consider myself to be a crunchy mom, but more so a balanced mom.

Life is busy enough. The to-do list is never-ending (much like the laundry), and you never seem to have enough time for well...anything. That’s why I like to keep my daily routine simple.

Simple cleaning.
Simple laundry.
Simple skincare.
Simple makeup.
Simple supplements.

I already have enough struggles in my life: balancing work and family life, spending enough quality time with my husband and kids, meal planning (hoping the kids will eat), achieving personal health goals, and trying to maintain the house somewhere in between. The rest needs to be simple.

When I found an online store with an ingredient philosophy I felt aligned with, I knew I found the simplicity I was looking for. Online shopping for products that were safer, more effective, and delivered to my front door? Simple. It’s been 1.5 years since I started implementing simple changes. I’m still learning new ways to lessen my family’s toxic load, but I feel good knowing I’ve taken the right steps in switching where I shop.

I hope to inspire you to make simple changes in your life to lessen your toxic load in your home, in your body, and in your mind.

Have a beautiful day!

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