Photography 4 beginners!

My website is designed to help beginners learn how to use a camera, and techniques to take better photos.
Pg: 2 Good cameras + links
Pg: 3 All about the rule of thirds
Pg: 4 Using a fast Shutter Speed
Pg: 5 Using a slow Shutter Speed
Pg: 6 All about ISO
Pg:7 All about fashion/Model photography

The Rule of Thirds! —

The Rule of Thirds is a very easy composition technique to make your photo’s look ten times better. This technique places your points of interest on a invisible intersecting points and lines.
By putting your subject on the side of the photo it allows you to see a lot more of the image. Eg if you are trying to take a picture of a person in front of a sunset you don’t want to put the person in the middle because you would not be able to see a lot of the sunset. By moving your subject to the side a lot more of the image is in the photo.
How you make it a lot easier to do the rule of thirds, in your main camera settings you should find a option to add a grid on your screen that way when your taking your picture it’s easy to place your focus.

Fast Shutter Speed!

Shutter Speed?
Shutter Speed is how fast the small curtain closes in your camera when you take a picture.
What’s the difference from using a slow shutter speed from a fast shutter speed? It depends on what you are trying the capture. If your trying to get a photo of a car that’s moving you would have to use a fast shutter speed that way you can freeze the car.
Somethings you need a fast Shutter for
Cars , Water , Birds (flying) , Smoke , fire , action photo’s and many more fast moving objects.
Using a fast shutter speed can help you freeze a moving object. Eg Water, Birds, Cars and a lot more things

To capture this image you would need a really high Shutter Speed about 1000
You would have to capture the wave with the water in the air!
As you would have to freeze the water flying everywhere.

This photo would extremely hard to snap. The Sutter Speed would have to be about 1000

All these images would have to be taken at about the same Shutter Speed. This image could have been taken at 800-1200

Slow Shutter Speed!

Slow Shutter can make such a dramatic impact on the quality for the photo. It’s best when an object is moving slow shutter speed and panning of a camera can make such a cool impact on how a photo appears to someone’s eye.
Slow shutter speed works great with a photo with a lot of light. This way by slowly moving your camera on a slow shutter speed it can make the lights drag in the photo which creates such a cool effect.

About ISO

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. The lower the number the less sensitive. The higher the number the more sensitive the image sensor is, but there is a downside to using a high ISO. The higher the ISO the more granite the photo will turn out.
Cameras have this effect so you can get better photos when it’s darker at night it helps capture objects in the dark.
It is an option but it’s not recommended to use a ISO higher than 0-400 anything higher than that will make your photo not look as clean as a photo without the use of ISO.