I've helped 100's of people reduce their joint pain, rejuvenate their skin, reduce fine lines and get that glow back. Improve gut health and shed those extra unwanted kilo's.
Working from the inside out is what we are focused on.
So if you are looking for a program to help you achieve your goals we offer 5 different 30 day challenges to suit your needs.
Our challenges have everything you need to take control of your health and nutrition.
3B..... Beauty Body Biome is about nourishing your body from the inside out, To help improve your overall health and wellness. Each beautiful Ebook challenge is yours at no charge with any purchase relating to that specific challenge to help get you started.
5 beautiful 30 day challenges where you will find everything you need.
1) 30 Day Glow up Challenge
*Defy your age with our skin overhaul and transformation.
*Create that youthful glow, you've always wanted. We share our hacks on getting that glow back
*Learn how to eat yourself beautiful, using our cutting edge nutraceuticals and recipes designed to BOOST your skin health.
2) 30 Day Greatful Gut Challenge
*Nourish and heal your gut, improve digestion, bloating and mood.
*Boost your energy levels and reset your metabolism. We'll teach you all about it and how to optimise your health.
*Learn how to feed your precious microbiome using cutting edge nutraceuticals and recipes designed to heal and naurish your gut.
3) 30 Day Lean body Challenge
*Personalised programming using all natural nutraceuticals that are scientifically proven to get results.
*Lose weight in a super healthy way that maintains long term results.
*Delicious easy recipes to help speed up your metabolism and train your body to transform.
4) 30 Day Fit Body Challenge
*We help you boost your energy and performance using our neautracutical products.
*Suitable for beginners who want to start exercising and the experienced.
*Your body will feel energised and at it's peak.
5) How to detox your Life, Body and Home.
*A beautiful challenge, we show you how to detox your home using our low tox home and personal care range.
*Teach you how to eliminate toxins within your home.
Join like-minded people in our private 3B collective group with over 75,000 members only to help support you on your health and wellness journey, to a healthier happier version of YOU.
Programs/Challenges like this would normally cost an arm and a leg.
BUT we offer an affordable option for everyone to help get started on your journey to better health and wellness.
We understand this is YOUR journey and therefore there is no one size fits all.
I myself will personally help you purchase your Neautracuticals to suit your individual needs and goals to help you reach your desired outcome.
You get everything mentioned above plus your products to begin your health journey!
It's never too late to start, there is no time like the present.
Are YOU ready to commit to your health?
If you answered YES let's do this. Contact me via my socials below and book in a chat. Don't forget to Mention 3B Challenge.
Pia x