here’s the shopee link! — @plearnpichayaa01. Lampu tidur hias LED 3D02. Lampu tidur IKEA03. Weekly Planner04. LED digital clock05. Stiker “do something amazing”06. Stiker lucu07. Aesthetic mirror “wave”08. Scented Candle “Lemongrass” 09. Standing Hanger10. Hiasan dinding aesthetic11. Dried flower12. Monthly planner
here’s the our PMM activity link ! —YoutubeEdukasi Cuci TanganKreativitas membuat madingKreativitas membuat celengan botolKerajinan Stick Eskrim
here’s the our PMM activity link ! —YoutubeEdukasi Cuci TanganKreativitas membuat madingKreativitas membuat celengan botolKerajinan Stick Eskrim