The Potato Gremlins

We are potatoes and proud of it!

Thorbert - Golden Yukon Potato

Thunderstorm - Burnt Potato


The Golden Yukon Potato

I was rescued from the streets near a bar when I was only about 10 weeks old. I ate mostly bar food and basically was on the verge of dying until my hooman rescued me. She nurtured me back to health and I am now fat, happy and healthy.


The Burnt Potato

I was rescued from being trapped inside a garage. It was just a few days before Easter and I got trapped in the garage by accident, so I started to meow really loud. The hoomans opened the garage and found me. I was timid and didn't want to come out. One hooman in particular opened up a can of food. I couldn't resist and ate some food before running into her arms for a hug. I haven't left her side since.

Joana Therese

The Hooman

My name is Joana and I am the hooman. To clarify Thorbert's rescue story, I am actually not the one that rescued him; my sister did and she brought him home when I was still living with her. My fiancé took him in a few days a later and I helped to nurture him back to being a healthy and happy kitty.

Stormy on the other hand was more correct on what happened... sometimes you just can't trust a cat 🤣🤣

A little bit about me:

In my past time I love to draw. I also love to write. I have a Wattpad and a Redbubble.

If you have any questions about either me or my kitties, you may message me on my accounts or on my email.