Hello Empath
Your Resources & Tools To Create Happinesses & Balance are here!
All offerings are available online worldwide .
All offerings are available online worldwide .
Online Private Readings, Life Coaching, & Life Transformation Programs are offered at TargetedWellbeingCenter.com
Best Selling International Author, Wellness Center Owner, Psychic, Medium, Transformational Life Coach and Intuitive Healing Teacher Mama Honey helps empaths, healers, psychics, and mediums shift from surviving to thriving by becoming your authentic self, so that you can create happiness and balance in your life while showing up in your purpose.
Book Available on Amazon:
Stop Burnout Now, the Serenity Maven’s Guide to Balanced Wellness is a guidebook with steps, tips & activities for empaths and highly sensitive people, so that you can create happiness balance.
If you are curious or suspect a loved one may have features or symptoms of Beckwith-Wiedemann Sydrome check out BWSAwareness.org for more information.