Have a list of questions ready for your session. I am here to hold space, listen and offer my advice. Remember that I am impartial, I strictly report on what I feel for you, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m a psychic, not a Saint, I am not here to judge you in the slightest over any of your life choices or questions.
Kindly your mental and emotional state into consideration before booking a reading. If deeper healing is what you require, a psychotherapist may be more appropriate. This is not a medical mediumship session, or ‘fortune telling’. Be open to the guidance wants to comes up for you, but remember you may not always receive what you want to hear.
Tarot is a sacred practice; your reading should be about you. (E.g. Is Anna good for me?) Not questions like: 'What is Anna thinking, feeling and doing right now?’
Supporting and rescuing people are two different things, I am actually doing you a disservice by jumping in and solving all problems.
Remember that we as humans were also never meant to know exactly how our life was going to go, from birth until death. There are surprises in life that are just not to be spoiled, or known, or predicted. Don’t ask about your death date, or the death date of others.
Payment is always required before a session or birth chart begins and in person, private readings can be made available upon request.
I try to bring calm, clarity, and understanding, my intentions are always love based, however the truth can sometimes hurt, and we must make sure we are strong enough emotionally and spiritually to handle it.
I value accuracy and truth, not fluffy, feel-good information. I also respect that we are all simultaneously teachers and students here on this Earth, I don’t have all of the answers.
Your mind, body and Soul are always your own responsibility. I encourage life long mindfulness and wellness practices. I always try to guide you back to your own intuition. We do work on boundaries, self-love, self-worth, and self-trust where this may be wounded. I understand the complexity and ripple effect of societal, cultural, and gender expectations, as well as mental conditioning, generational mother or father wounds / patterning and complex trauma.
I am aware that some situations can often be very sensitive. I am truly as kind, understanding and respectful as possible. Remember that meditation, exercise, breath work, goal setting, therapy and positive affirmations can truly greatly transform your life. I strongly believe that Psychology should be a compulsory subject in school.
I do a vibrational analysis of your energy to see what state it is in, and we go over the factors relating to or possibly causing it. We then work on positively shifting and changing that energy. I teach mindset and manifestation.
My Methodology:
Archetypes carry specific and unique, positive and negative sets of traits, which lead to behaviours, which essentially lead to the creation of their lives. Different human characters tend to create different types of lives. People attribute the cause of the nature of their realities to outside forces like fate, but don't realize how much of their destiny has been under their own creation. Philosophy is the study and love of wisdom.
Honest and loving people tend to manifest lives filled with love and warmth, gratitude and so fourth. Have you ever just met a kind person? Someone generous, compassionate, patient and good at listening? Do you remember the way that made you feel? Being around a Soul like that has such a calming and positive effect on us.
Now there's nothing 'wrong' with being impatient, miserly and selfish, a Soul is allowed to express itself however it chooses. Light is not 'right' and Dark is not 'wrong', however, there is a ripple effect that impacts not only them but also those around them.
This is a ripple effect of energy and feeling, and some energies don't 'feel' very good. Certain traits and emotions are universally accepted as undesirable.
I have noticed that some people treat spiritual healers very poorly, they are condescending and sarcastic towards them, judgemental and dismissive, sometimes even going so far as to mock them.
Others worship their spiritual teachers and put them on a pedestal that they should most definitely not be put on. Individuals with weaker ego's and very little self-trust tend to want the psychic to 'tell them what to do', direct and control them and their lives, whilst those with a stronger ego want to use the medium almost as an object or tool to usually achieve slightly shallow and selfish objectives.
Too many people have a, 'make my problem go away for me, I don't want to do it myself' attitude, which is infantile and irresponsible, as well as highly disempowering. There is a certain level of respect and humility that needs to be shown to your healer during a reading.
I am not 'your' fortune teller. I do not belong to you, and I am a lot more than just a ‘service’ and a healer.
I am the Universe's child. I am one of Creator's divine and sacred creations, and I will not ever allow myself to just be used or treated as a mere object or tool. I choose to work for and serve the Creator that created you, me and everything in our Universe, to deliver messages that you may need and not want to hear. I don't work for your Ego, but rather a Higher Source.
I do my best to read into your true nature, current archetype and current emotions or feelings. Your personality and emotional states are not my responsibility, and I never judge them. I always do my best to teach you how to completely change if you so wish to.
It is not my job to ‘get you’ to more abundance, or make you happy, but it is my honour to show you how to generate more happiness on your own, and attract greater abundance without needing anyone's help or assistance. For the love of god, I am also not here to tell you the lottery numbers.
There is no archetype or feeling that is wrong or bad, just one's that are comfortable and uncomfortable. Every healer and healing practice is different, and I pride myself on exercising my own methods, I don't wish to submit or conform at all to conventional and traditional manners of reading tarot or doing psychic readings. My approach to astrological analysis is also quite distinctive and inimitable.
Authenticity - relinquishing the need to maintain or play any exhausting, delicately crafted and cultivated personalities or roles around each other is very important to me. You are allowed to fully be yourself and ask about whatever is on your heart and mind.
Psychics also don’t know, or have to know the answers to every single question in the Universe, and I’ll always be direct about whether a question is answerable or not. Being controlled by others and controlling others is a reality and phenomenon I come across a lot in my healings as well, we usually explore this quite deeply if it comes up.
I will also always try to show and remind other Souls just how strong their own intuition is and always has been. Empowerment is one of my cores values.
Astrology and tarot are ancient forms of healing practices. And traditional therapy is not always appropriate for everyone. Astrology and tarot support those looking for an alternative or enhanced route towards healing.
Clients being over dependent on their readers is actually really detrimental, for both the parties. Tarot breaks are very important. Future predictions are not 100% set in stone.
Souls involved in spiritual coaching are expected to assume an active role by engaging in specific actions to deal with their problems. Rather than simply talking about their current condition, they are required to do something to bring about change. Of course they don’t have to, but without this, coaching is naturally ineffective. You benefit from learning new and adaptive behaviors to replace old and maladaptive behaviors.
Change takes place with the newfound insights into underlying dynamics. Mental and emotional health is imperative to our well being, and my readings focus on this.
Each of these roles involves supporting you in different ways. As an intuitive coach, I help clients tap into their inner wisdom and intuition to navigate life's challenges. Affirmation and mindset coaching are powerful tools for shifting perspectives and cultivating positivity. As a spiritual guide, I do my best to assist people on their journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Being an empathic listener is crucial for creating a safe and supportive space for you to share your honest thoughts and feelings. And as a psychic, I offer insight and a stronger connection to the spiritual realm, helping you find peace and closure.
Some people find comfort and value in the Truth, and others wish to dwell in a more hazy realm, those with an appreciation for the Truth will get along with me like a house on fire. Those who wish to deceive, or live in a state of sweet deception, will not. I won’t be able to indulge your fantasies.
The ‘thing’ that we are all searching for, the magical key that will open doors for us is always more simple, and free than what we’ve been programmed to believe. Or trained to think. And this is the anti-climactic truth. Most of what we need is already inside of us, and in nature.
Acknowledge the role you play in your future. State your desired outcome. Construct powerful questions.
Part of the therapeutic journey consists of the reader challenging clients to begin to examine the ways in which they have lost touch with their identity, especially by letting others design their life for them.
The process itself is often frightening for clients when they realize that they have surrendered their freedom to others and that in the therapy relationship they will have to assume their freedom again. By refusing to give easy solutions or answers, existential therapists confront clients with the reality that they alone must find their own answers.
Reminder - ethics aside, it's just very emotionally unhealthy to use Tarot to ask questions about other people that could just be answered by asking them directly. For example - is my friend in love with me, does this person I'm casually dating want a relationship with me?
Tarot certainly has its use in romance, but it's not a substitute for vulnerability or open communication in relationships. If you try to use it to gauge and monitor someone's feelings on an ongoing basis, you're not going to get clear answers and the ambiguity is just going to feed into the anxiety that's making you avoid direct conversations in the first place.