What’s On Me
All of linked items are my chosen preferences, happy shopping✨
heigh / weight = 160cm / 51kg
heigh / weight = 160cm / 51kg
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Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
24,5 cm / size 39
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Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
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skin condition: oily-combination
undertone : yellow undertone / warm
skin tone: light to medium skintone
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Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
apa yang aku gunakan belom tentu cocok dikulit kalian, jadi aku recommendation yang cocok di kulit aku✨
skin concern : for brighten, minimizing pores, and anti-aging
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
my favorite scent: sweet, gourmand, warm, woody, spicy, and little bit fruity
top :
middle :
based :
review :
tuberoseny berasa bgt, bukan tipe parfume flowery yg fresh tp lebih bold, lama kelamaan akan lebih powdery, suitable for night event
full size beli yg petite pastry
scent : sweet, gourmand tp ga strong
unisex parfume scentnya lebih ke airy, musky, dan little bit green
definisi wangi manis tp in different way, scent rosenya lebih ke dried flower, jadi adem kalem bukan tipe yg fresh, my fav!
yang suka fruity, fresh, dan flowery you should go with rose peony. perpaduan fruity dan flower disini jadi wanginya lebih soft tapi fresh✨
another sweet parfume but little touch of fruity and more warm and woody.
suitable for night event / night dinner
parfume sejuta umat. in first spray scent red applenya kecium banget, ini perpaduan manis, fruity and flowery. parfume yang feminim banget and suitable for daily use, or outdoor event.
scent of coconutnya berasa bgt, ini tipe skin scent sih, sweet but not to sweet, creamy, light scent, i think ini akan cocok jadi based if you like to layering parfume
books, accessories, etc
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.