Laura Evans
Bournemouth, U.K. based Reiki Master Teacher offering; Reiki, Reiki Courses, Intuitive Readings, Reiki shares and Immersive Meditation Sessions.
♡ Reiki offered from residential location in Iford, Christchurch U.K.
♡ Reiki offered as a distance session - worldwide.
♡ Reiki courses offered in person: in groups or one-to-one, locally to Bournemouth U.K.
♡ Immersive Meditation sessions offered as group sessions or one-to-one locally to Bournemouth U.K.
👉🏻 swipe through to find out more about me and my services.
Hello! My name is Laura…
…I am a Reiki Master Teacher based In Bournemouth U.K.
I began learning reiki at the beginning of 2014, this endeavour marked a deep reconnection with my true spiritual nature.
I trained in Usui Reiki Ryoho; this is commonly taught in the West as the traditional Japanese Reiki method discovered and taught by Reiki Master Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s in Japan.
I was incredibly lucky to meet my Reiki Master, Jennie McDowal, by divine chance. She has been the most incredible teacher and continues to support me on my spiritual path, and share her deep knowledge of Reiki with me today.
Over a period of two years (2014-2016) I learned the first three levels of Reiki and, I found my Reiki path unfolding right before my eyes, with opportunities opening up just at the right times.
At that time, I was fortunate in liaising with a lovely lady from the charity ‘Wessex Cancer Trust’ just prior to her retirement; I wanted to volunteer as a reiki therapist for cancer patients and their families, she asked me to run the new support centre due to open In Bournemouth. We came to a mutual agreement.
I would help to set up & establish the new cancer support centre in Bournemouth for Wessex Cancer Trust, and once the Centre was up and running, I could start to offer Reiki therapy to those attending and seeking support; little did I know that this was the beginning of a profound and intimate journey into death, love, grief, understanding humanity and, ultimately a journey into a deeper state of being. Life flows in cycles, as all of nature does and through observing and honouring all aspects of the life cycle, one can not fail to find themselves on a profound and intimate journey into LIFE!
I still work at the Bournemouth Wessex Cancer Trust Support Centre today, and I am so very grateful for this work. To be in service feels very true for me, working with reiki is very humbling and reminds me that there are incredible humans everywhere you look.
It felt completely natural for me to want to learn how to teach and pass on the incredible healing art of reiki.
So, I learned the final level - Reiki Master Teacher, and I have been teaching reiki in groups, or one-to-one, since 2017.
Teaching reiki is the essence of learning reiki; as I teach, and endeavour to continually deepen my practice and understanding of reiki, I know that I am always learning from those who seek to learn reiki through me.
My personal spiritual practice is very much influenced by my connection to reiki, and as I travel through my own cycles of healing and growing, building on my knowledge and understanding of energy work and navigating the changes that come with evolution, I find that I am the same and yet indelibly different.
It is my joy and privilege to work with reiki, to be in service to others, to plants and animals, to the earth and all who inhabit it.
Reiki is a beautiful, gentle and powerful healing art; if we are meeting through reiki, then I am very glad and welcome your connection 🙏🏻
靈 - Rei - Spirit, Sacred, Universal, Divine.
氣 - Ki - Energy, Life-force, Vital-energy.
靈氣 - Reiki - Sacred Energy of the Universe
Reiki (Pron. Ray-key) is a Japanese word; you may find various, similar translations of this word into English. The Japanese kanji characters 靈氣 hold more meaning and symbolism than an English word, so often we use several English words to describe the kanji.
What is Reiki?
This mysterious and vital energy flows through all things, and sustains all life - everything is Energy. This vital energy has been referred to throughout history by many different names.
In the context of utilising the Japanese method of applying Reiki as a therapeutic treatment, or way of life, we say ‘Reiki’ or ‘Reiki Ryoho’.
Reiki Ryoho (pron. Ray-key Ree-oh-hoh), means Reiki therapy or Reiki Healing Art. The practice of working with spiritual energy, or Life-force energy, has been present on Earth since the beginning of time, varying in technique, application and practice through many different cultures.
Usui Reiki Ryoho
Reiki healing art & how it is applied…
Usui Reiki Ryoho
Reiki Ryoho was realised by Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s, in Japan. It proved extremely effective as a healing art and spread rapidly throughout Japan, to Hawaii and through the Western World.
Usui Reiki Ryoho has been passed on through many lineages, all leading back to Mikao Usui. As each Reiki master-teacher has connected with and worked with the Reiki, they have passed on this connection and their knowledge to students of Reiki, enabling Reiki to spread far and wide.
Now there are many offshoots, styles and new methods for working with the reiki, as well as the more typical and traditional ways of working with the Reiki.
This can sometimes appear confusing for those new to Reiki and wondering what the differences are; ultimately the foundation of working with, or receiving, Reiki is this;
Reiki is a spiritual practice working with the vital energy present in, and necessary for, all living and non-living things to exist.
The Reiki practitioner acts as a clear conduit for Reiki and directs the flow of this healing energy to where it is needed; a person, an animal, a situation, plant life, an emotion, thought or memory, or to themselves.
Reiki is an intelligent energy, it does not require any manipulation or decision from the practitioner as to where it should flow; ie, it is not for the practitioner to diagnose, interpret, proclaim or otherwise decide what the ‘problem’ is and how they should ‘fix’ it.
It is the job of the Reiki practitioner to take the Whole individual, animal, plant, situation etc, into account. Then, they must simply ‘let go’ of their thinking mind, their perceptions, their ego, and trust that the Reiki will flow to where/how it is needed. Their purpose is to act as the clear conduit and to guide the energy with an intention that it flows for the highest good.
Then they relax into the flow, they observe and witness, they follow the intuition of the reiki and they may, if they wish, utilise the traditional Japanese methods for direct or non-direct Reiki application.
Sessions & Prices
“The system of Reiki is about empowering people not taking power over them.” ~ Frans Stiene
- Sessions available in Iford, Christchurch and locally to Bournemouth.
- Various weekdays, evenings and some weekends by arrangement with Laura.
- REIKI - this Japanese word refers to spiritual energy/vital energy; when you receive a Reiki Ryoho, or Reiki ‘Treatment’ you are receiving a direct flow of this powerful vital energy which has a positive and healing effect on every layer of your being.
Reiki is the gentle Japanese method of working with vital/spiritual energy with healing effect for mind and body.
- READING - A reading is also a form of energy work allowing for a deeper and more conscious exploration of what information is flowing to you right now.
By connecting with Reiki (universal vital energy) and tuning into your energy, I can help you to sense, intuit & interpret the messages which are yours from the Universe.
I often use Oracle/Angel/Shamanic cards, or sometimes the Runes or Pendulum, to help anchor and guide the information which wants to come through.
- REIKI & READING - When combining these sessions you create the space for a deeper exploration of your healing and any messages, or information, which want to flow to you right now.
- Reiki 1 hour session £40
Enjoy a full Reiki Treatment, allow up to an hour. If possible schedule time to relax/low-key activity afterwards to enjoy the benefits of Reiki.
- Reiki 30 min session £25
Enjoy all of the benefits of Reiki with a shorter Reiki treatment; great to top up or if you’re short on time, or if you’d like to try a short session before committing to a longer treatment. If possible schedule time to relax/low-key activity afterwards to enjoy the benefits of Reiki.
- Reading 1 hour session £40
This session allows us to explore the messages and/or information that wants to flow to you right now. I won’t guess or try to bring messages/information through - I simply act as a channel for you to gain access to the messages from spirit/messages from the Universe which want to flow to you right now. If possible schedule time to relax/low-key activity afterwards to allow your experience to integrate.
- Reiki & Reading 2 hour session £65
Create the space for a deeper exploration of your healing and any messages, or information, which want to flow to you right now. If possible schedule time to relax/low-key activity afterwards to enjoy the benefits of Reiki and allow your experience to integrate.
- Distance/remote reiki and/or readings available, prices as above or if making a regular booking for healings or readings each month, a discount is available - please get in touch to find out more ✨🫶🏻✨
I’m looking forward to channeling for you soon, Laura 💜
Reiki Shares•Healing Meditations•DREAM TiME
* Next DREAM TiME meditation- Sunday Jan 21st 7:45 - 9pm
Hello lovely CiRCLE ✨🫶🏻✨ hoping you are all well, wishing you all a very blessed year ahead! ✨🎇💛
Jan 2024 DREAM TiME 🌿☕️✨ Working with the plant spirits in a gentle herbal tea blend, including herbs used throughout the ages to enhance dreaming and insights, to nourish and support the physical and Etheric body, this DREAM TiME healing meditation will be helping us to call our energies back from far and wide, and grounding and anchoring ourselves into the Earth’s vibration 💫😌🪻💭✨🌍
✨🪽If you feel called to do so….you will be invited to pull a card for yourself to meditate with, the cards will be giving guidance on your Soul path for the year ahead, then you’ll be guided into simple ceremonial tea drinking (tea is optional 🙏🏻🌿…) and held in the space to meditate and receive healing through guided voice, and therapeutic sound….✨💛🪽🔥🌎🪻🌿🫶🏻✨☕️😌
✨Location: Bad Hand Studio, 7 Norwich Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5QZ
✨Doors open 7:40pm
✨Doors closed 7:50pm
✨Finish between 8:50-9pm
If you would like to book a space, let me know ✨🎇💫🌸☕️✨🍃🌕 cost is £12 and once you have made payment your place is confirmed 🙏🏻
I am currently using a WhatsApp group for our CiRCLE BOURNEMOUTH ✨⭕️✨ please get in touch if you would like to join, or DM me here 🫶🏻
Looking forward to seeing you there 🤩🙏🏻