We are group of people who slowly make our own world.
At 2014, this name Redsky'fe come to light after witnessing a scenery at the back of truck. What we saw was a sun down with orange red like color.
Now, we are group of Taekwon-Do student here at Pitas Sabah of Malaysia.
We began our journey with Muay Thai this year.
And currently,.we planning to expand over online job.
Started at SMK Pinggan-pingga center, to SMK Pitas center to SMK Pitas 2 center early 2015.
Kanibongan center open around April 2018 follow by SK Pantai Center. By 2019, Bongkol center officially open.
If 2020 is a clear path or journey, we maybe open around 5 center but manage only to open two center which is Sk Rukom & Salimpodon.
We have a very qualified instructor at Redsky'fe. Don't worry about that.