Revive Natural Wellness

Please visit our new website here!!!

My vision is to help you transform your health to feel great so that you can show up for everything God has for you to do, to be, and to experience.


Getting started is simple…

1. Complete your FREE nutritional assessment questionnaire as a first step to diving into your health naturally and to determine your top health concerns. (Link to the questionnaire below)!
2. Chat with me about your results and next best steps on the path to wellness. We deep dive into your habits, health, and lifestyle for a personalized approach.
3. Nourish your body with a clean and wholesome lifestyle while gaining accountability and support throughout your journey.

Empower yourself by diving into the world of natural wellness, gain a deeper understanding of your body, and nurture your body to help it thrive against all the toxin, chemical, and stressor overloads.
New life. New meaning. New strength. New energy.

To learn more about me, click the -> to the right.

About me.

My name is Pam and I’m a Christian Nutritional Therapy Practitioner certified by the NTA, a MII Advanced Muscle Testing Practitioner certified by MHB, a Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis Professional, an Organic Regenerative Vegetable Farmer, and a Clean Living Advocate. My mission is to show people how to create healthier lives, learn about their body, and reclaim their health, all while living in alignment with my heart, and connecting and serving God.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” - Corinthians 6:19

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I help clients dealing with chronic health concerns to reclaim their lives through personalized nutrition and lifestyle support. Whether you’re looking to increase energy, sleep more soundly, overcome digestive problems, clear up your skin, sharpen cognition, balance your hormones, calm autoimmune conditions, feel better in your body or just learn how to eat the way God intended, I’m here to help you.

As a functional practitioner, I look at everyone’s individual bodies, and take a holistic, whole body approach to support you by creating nutrition and lifestyle adjustments that will impact your health on a deep, foundational level.

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To learn more about nutritional therapy, hair tissue mineral analysis, and muscle testing, click the —> to the right!

More about Nutritional Therapy and Muscle Testing…

Nutritional Therapy focuses on nourishing food and lifestyle by adopting a bio-individual and holistic approach to health. It encompasses the core foundations of health, how they affect and maintain balance within your body, and how each of these foundations play a key role in the function and dysfunction within the body. We work to address the root cause of your symptoms and work to develop a healthy relationship with food and take your health back!

Muscle Testing is a system of nutritional healing; correcting imbalances in the body and helping the body to recover, strengthen and heal. Method of Intentional Inquiry Muscle Testing is a non-invasive way of analyzing your body to uncover the underlying and root causes of your health challenges. Muscle testing looks at how well each organ, gland, or set of tissues is functioning. This is done by testing your body’s own neurological reflexes to determine where the body is in a weakened condition. When an area of the body goes weak, there’s an imbalance or weakness in that corresponding system.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a functional lab that uses a small amount of hair to evaluate the hair’s mineral and heavy metal content. This information is so valuable because it gives us roughly 3-4 months worth of cumulative data about what the body is being exposed to and eliminating. The HTMA provides information on Metabolic Rate, stage of stress and stress levels, Immune System, Adrenal and Thyroid Glandular Activity, Carbohydrate Tolerance, Energy levels, Eating enough protein or too many carbs, Tendencies for 30+ illnesses, often before they manifest, and Personality Tendencies.

With this knowledge, personalized coaching, and lifestyle changes, you can transform your life!

Interested in learning about my services, join my email list, and view my recommended links? Click the -> to the right! ❤️


The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and it hasn’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Adminstration. This information isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change.

Nutritional Therapy Services

Ready to elevate your life and wellness?

Everyone needs nutritional support, but most don’t know which vitamins, minerals, and supplements to take. Find out what your body is asking for to boost optimal health.

See below for my different nutrition and mineral packages!!!!

✝️ Purpose in Nutrition

•Complete the nutritional assessment questionnaire
•Get a visual snapshot of your baseline health based on your symptoms and recommended next steps to help you feel better.
•Free Nutritional Assessment Review
•Summary of top 3 concerns
•Details on working 1 on 1 with me

Investment: free followed by package pricing

Nutrition Assessment

🍓 HTMA Testing

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA) – this is a functional test that analyzes small samples of recent hair growth and is a wonderful way to get a snapshot of what your body has been exposed to and what it is eliminating through the hair. This test allows us to determine your metabolic type and assess how you are metabolizing certain foods, heavy metal excretion, your ability to detox naturally, how stress is impacting your health, specific mineral ratios that need rebalancing, your adrenal and thyroid gland activity, energy levels, eating enough protein or too many carbs, and so much more. From these results we can determine the optimal diet and supplement plan individualized to your body.

This is a functional test and service that I recommend for everyone, especially those who are looking to revive their energy, revamp their metabolism, relearn how to support their body for their own bio individual recommendations at their own pace.

Though healing takes time, this package can allow you to start small and introduce new nutritional and lifestyle habits into your routine as you feel comfortable.

This single-session service includes:
•Cost of HTMA test and analysis
•1 NAQ Analysis: 320 Symptom Burden Questionnaire- a comprehensive outlook on the correlation between your symptoms and potential areas of dysfunction in the body
•1 4-day Food and Mood Journal analysis
•1 45-minute recommendation meeting and individualized protocol
•Educational resources
•Discount on follow-up meetings after the initial recommendation weeks meeting
•Unlimited messaging access to me for 2-4

Investment: $199

HTMA Assessment

You can heal. Naturally.

When our bodies are tuned, aligned, purified and well nourished, we thrive. Welcome to your next step for true alignment in body, health and life - I offer free nutrition tips, recipes, monthly articles, and the latest updates on how to work with me delivered straight to your inbox. Click Join the Tribe!

If you don't know where to start with getting healthy and changing habits to live a healthier lifestyle…

Here are 3 healthy habits that you can start with:

1️⃣ Drink more water, and less of other drinks! 💦
Our bodies are made up of 65% water so staying hydrated has an impact on energy levels, digestion, keeping joints lubricated, regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients throughout the body, and so much more!
If people are dehydrated, aka not drinking enough water or exceeding coffee, tea and other things - many people get headaches, feel tired, get lightheaded - all of which are first signs they are low on water, or have too much the other things. Have you noticed what is it for you? I challenge you to start noticing your body’s signs of dehydration and then acknowledge how you start to feel when you have enough water.
Here are some habits to begin working on to stay hydrated:
A. Keep a bottle of bottle with you wherever you go (non-plastic is best to avoid contamination especially in heat and freezing temps).
B. Have a favorite cup filled with water when you are home.
C. Order water at restaurants instead of soda.
D. Start your day with water instead of coffee.

2️⃣ Eat more fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and proteins AND eat less processed foods.
You will get many vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients by eating whole, nutrient dense foods. And our bodies know how to handle these foods.
TIP: if you start increasing the amount of good foods, you'll have less room in your stomach for the processed foods.
Focus your mind of fueling your body with nutrient dense foods, and think about swaps you can make for each meal and snack. Habit stacking and meal planning will help you here.

Some things that work for me:
A. Grab a veggie or fruit, protein, and a healthy fat for snacks. For example, apple with a handful of peanuts or yogurt and berries.
B. Eat more protein. For example, if you have oatmeal, pair it with yogurt or egg white.
C. Consume less gluten because of American breads and pastas.

3️⃣ Spend more time seeking the Lord and less time scrolling social media or watching tv. Can you rearrange part of your day to spend more time with the Lord? The more you get to know the Lord, the more you will want to spend time with Him. Jesus is the answer to everything.
Some examples:
A. Praying
B. Reading your bible
C. Devotional
D. Begin your day with the Lord.
E. Read bible in bathroom instead of scrolling. F. Have a monthly scripture verse as your computer background.

Remember - creating a healthy lifestyle is a process. I didn't change my own things overnight. It was a lot of fine tuning to find a plan that worked for me. Don't overwhelm yourself - focus on one thing/meal at a time until it's a good habit. Then choose another thing/meal.

And seek the Lord in your decisions. He will guide you on your health journey!

I pray you are blessed and encouraged as you continue living healthy and empowered for the glory of God.

Did you find this encouraging and want to learn more about what I do as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner?
<— Scroll to the left to learn more!
Or complete the free nutritional assessment below!