Saturday March 19th, 2022

Wedding of Aaron Risner and Melissa Thompson

Hello everyone, we are excited to share our wedding with you. We hope this page will be helpful in understanding what to expect at the event, a place to find out more about us, as well as a place to find some photos later on from the wedding.

Wedding Hashtag: We will have a hashtag for the wedding. So, if you take pictures of the wedding process, the rehearsal, at the wedding or the reception and post them somewhere please, put this hashtag with it so we can find them and appreciate them later.


Our Story

How We Came to Know Each Other

How We Met

We found each other on a dating website, and decided to meet up for a date. We had a long conversation over the phone the night before and were both nervously excited about meeting the next day.

Our First Date

I met Aaron at his house, in the early afternoon in May, to take a drive to the botanical gardens in Clemson. We spent quite a while walking around the gardens, talking, and enjoying each other's company. He told me about all the different plants and flowers they had along the way, and at one point it began to rain. Neither one of us really cared about the rain, and frankly, enjoyed it when the rain wasn't cold so, we just kept walking around looking at plants and talking to one another.

By the time we left the gardens it was pouring, and we decided to get some smoothies and head back to his house where we had tea and talked for a while longer. We parted ways because it was getting late. So, I went back home, and we realized we had spent a consecutive of 12 hours together.

The Proposal

We talked about marriage only after a couple of weeks of knowing each other. While we were talking about this, and wondering if it was crazy to be talking about it after such a short period of time, Aaron proposed, and by doing so told me that maybe it wasn't so crazy after all.




Our house was originally a shed that Aaron started turning into a house with solar power, a bathroom, and a wood stove to keep warm. Now we have put in a screened in porch,

And Chickens

We have four chickens on the property right now: Christinith, Red, Meg, and Phoebe. We want more chickens and other types of birds in the future as well as some goats.

Building Materials

We do our best to use recycled building materials, and materials found on the property as much as possible. This building was already on the property which we used as our chicken coupe and added onto it to build a chicken run as well.


Aaron started many flower gardens on the property, a vegetable garden, and I started an herb garden. I also will be planting some flowers to hopefully have some blooming in February and March to have at the wedding.


Delilah was mine before Aaron and I got together. She is my sweet lady. She has gotten more and more comfortable being around animals on the property. Aaron has done a lot of training with her, and she fell in love with him as much as I did, and sometimes I feel like the third wheel when they are cuddling.


We came to have Dougie after Aaron and I got together. He loves to play with our cat Coal