Week 52: Crossover(52weeksofbaking-bite sized)

Polenta Cakes with Tomato Jam and Goat Cheese

The last challenge of the year!! Woohoo! I made it!
This week’s theme was a crossover with 52weeksofbaking. I saw a bite sized theme and figured it would be perfect for an appetizer for Xmas eve (trying to eliminate any extra tasks at this crazy time of year!).
I of course didn’t take the time to fully read the recipe beforehand, otherwise I would have noted that the original recipe would serve twenty and make 80 cakes. I have a big family, but sheesh that’s too many. I also didn’t have enough heavy cream for both this recipe and my breakfast casserole I would be making for Xmas morning and there was no way in hell I was going back out to the grocery store this weekend. So I decided to half it. I also didn’t realize that this recipe called for instant polenta and I only had regular polenta, so I just mashed up their recipe with the one I usually use to make creamy polenta.

This tasted really good, despite looking reminiscent of uncooked bagel bites 😂. I would make them again but maybe try a different topping.

Rating 8/10

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Week 51: Hungarian


Now that I’m officially on winter break, I was ready for at least one day of relaxation before taking on all of the last minute Christmas errands. This was a good recipe for a lazy Sunday. I wish I would have made spätzle to go with this, but I had already bought the fancy paprika for the recipe so I wasn’t wanting to spend money on the spätzle making tool. Supposedly you can use a colander instead of the special tool, but in all honesty I just wasn’t feeling that adventurous. Instead of spätzle, we served this with mashed potatoes (a kid favorite).

This turned out pretty good and was easy to make. I’d like to try it again with spätzle.

Rating 7/10

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Week 50: Root Vegetables

Caramelized Onion Tarte Tatin

The weeks leading up to the holidays have been nuts so I had to squeeze this one on the Saturday of the week to stay consistent.
Another challenge was converting all of the different measurements from grams. I’m really hoping google didn’t lead me astray.
It was looking really good while sautéing, but I think I let it go about 5 minutes too long (distracted by the kids) and my caramel sauce broke/burned. I tried to improvise with adding some balsamic glaze over the onions in the pan before covering with the shortcrust, but I’m sure I altered what the taste would have been. The shortcrust seemed thick too, so I let it cook about 15 minutes longer than the stated 30 minutes.
The came time for the flip out of the pan onto a plate. I was real worried I was going to get burned by the sauce, but it went relatively smoothly. I topped it with goat cheese crumbles and it was pretty tasty. I think had I not screwed up the caramelized sauce it would have been better (it had more of a balsamic taste) but it was still pretty and tasted nice. I would try this again with smaller onions.

Rating: 7/10

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Week 49: Clear

Transparent Lemon Tart with Candied Lemon Slices

I had to do a little extra on this recipe because I couldn’t find any premade tart crusts or affordable candied lemons, so I was really hoping this would be worth the extra work.

I used a tart recipe I had used before which was pretty simple. The kids even got in the action pressing the pulse button on the food processor for the dough prep.

I found a pretty easy candied lemon slices recipe and already had extra lemons at the house. I of course didn’t think to read the whole recipe prior to see that they need to dry at room temperature overnight, so I had to use the low oven temp route.

The next challenge was using the gelatin sheets. I ordered them off Amazon and have never used them before. The gelatin sheets said to use 1 per 1/4 cup liquid, but the recipe said to use 5 and there was 2 cups liquid. I chose to go with 5 because I would rather it be too firm than too liquidy.

My biggest fear was putting it in the fridge to chill that something was going to fall into it (a very real possibility after both a Costco run and our regular weekly grocery run). Have a mentioned how much a hate my small fridge 😩. Waiting for the day when I can remodel the kitchen in order to have more space for both cooking and a bigger fridge. It also took a lot longer than 30 minutes to solidify.

After decorating and tasting, I was sadly very disappointed. It really just tasted like nothing. I found myself sucking on the candied lemon slices before eating the tart to try and get some flavor with it. The whipped cream helped a little as well. If I were to try again, I would make the lemon tea with a whole lot of more bags in order to impart some more lemon flavor. It looked cool though!

Rating: 3/10

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  2. Tart Crust Recipe

    Tart Crust Recipe

  3. Candied Lemon Slices

    Candied Lemon Slices

Week 48: Grains

Granola Bites

After Thanksgiving, I wanted an easy dish that could double as a breakfast for the week. My husband prefers that I got my inspiration from Charlie Day’s energy balls from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

These were super easy to make and my kids “helped”. My only issue was that they were super hard to roll because they would keep falling apart as the ingredients stuck to my hands. I managed to get them rolled but had to keep washing my hands between every few.

I thought they were just okay, but daughter went back for seconds so we’ll call it a win for breakfast for the week. I’ll try a different variation next time.

Eating: 6/10

Week 47: Venezualan


With two 12 hour days of parent/teacher conferences coming up, followed by making Thanksgiving, this week I was looking for a low key recipe. This recipe was definitely quick and easy and low effort. It took me the first two cachapas to get the hang of the cook (the first ones were not picture worthy). Like other reviewers, my batter was pretty thick and hard to spread, but not too bad. The were pretty tasty but definitely would be better with avocado and other toppings. I added chipotle agave hot sauce which was tasty. Served it with carne asada.

Rating 6/10

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Week 46: Gourds

Butternut Squash Lasagna

Alright, I was feeling good going into this weekend. Teacher work day Thursday to prep for conferences, Disney on Ice Thursday night (admittedly wasn’t too pumped for that), and a 3 day weekend giving plenty of time for chores and cooking. Disney on Ice was better than expected (minus the kid hacking a lung all over us throughout the show) and my daughter had the time of her life, but then the cough that had been lingering for my daughter and I for weeks hit me hard on Friday. I was down for the count for 12 hours. Friday/Saturday were pretty much wasted and the idea of making lasagna Sunday seemed pretty daunting.

The recipe wasn’t too difficult and I took advice of one of the commenters and made use of my favorite kitchen tool (the immersion blender) rather than pulling out the food processor. I also took the cheaters way out and bought pre diced butternut squash because I’ve done that myself once and it SUCKED! My béchamel took a lot longer to thicken than expected but tasted amazing. When layering the lasagna I started to struggle. I don’t want to hate on my girl Giada but her math wasn’t mathing in the layering. But I only teach second grade math, so maybe it was my bad that my ingredients didn’t last through all 4 layers. (In my defense, how are you supposed to make 1/3 of the butternut squash purée last for 4 layers if you use a 1/3 each time as directed 🤔). I scraped together some remains and made it work!

I thought this turned out delicious! My kids were less receptive which bums me out because my kids usually love butternut squash. I liked it though, so I’m adding it to the rotation! (Edit: when I pretended to get it from my plate, my one year old loved it. And when dad picked bites my 4 year old loved it. So…it’s a win!)

Rating 9/10

Week 45: Drying

Strawberry Crunch Cheesecake (with dried strawberry powder topping)

I made the mistake of not reading the recipe before Saturday and realizing that it needed to set for 12 hours. So I had to start the cheesecake after a few game day beers. This led to not reducing the strawberry purée as long as I probably should have. I also had to mix it all after my daughter was trying to go to bed and requested I “keep it down”! This all led to my cheesecake being a bit loose. It was still undeniably tasty though! It reminds me of the strawberry crunch ice creams that I love! I would definitely make again, but be far more careful when creating.

Rating 9/10

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Week 44: Halloween

Jack-o’-Lantern Stuffed Peppers

I have to admit that I kind of went completely off recipe after making the stuffing. It seemed like the recipe went half into Mexican and half into Italian but with the black beans I felt like I wanted to swing more to the Mexican flavors. I threw some fire roasted tomatoes and taco seasoning in, but next time I would add some chipotle chili powder or cayenne pepper.

The recipe called for adding a cup and a half of water to the pan before baking, which I thought was odd, but it softened the peppers up nicely. I think I would broil it at the end next time to crisp up the peppers and the cheese though because the peppers tasted a little watery. I do love orange peppers flavor so much more than green though, so the pumpkin look definitely helped the flavor.

Rating 6/10

Week 43: American Southwest

Roasted Corn and Peppers Casserole

Sunday night as my recipe challenge days is proving to be more difficult when I have events that involve drinking each Saturday night. I was once again struggling today, despite being home and in bed early after the Timbers game. I could also chalk it up to the cold both kids have been fighting this week and lack of sleep. Either way, I’m hoping next week’s Sunday cooking won’t be as rough.

This was a relatively simple recipe, minus all the chopping of veggies. My sell on this recipe was that it was labeled healthy and I really got to get back on my healthy eating. This is technically a vegetarian meal but I snagged some carne asada from Trader Joe’s to get some more protein in the meal. I also did refried black beans instead of regular refried beans because I just like them better. I also did a mix of flour and corn tortillas because the recipe didn’t state what size of tortillas.

At the end of 20 minutes I pulled it out and it looked really saucy. I put it back in uncovered for another 5-10 minutes to see if it would brown up a little more and be a little less soupy.

The flavors of the casserole were really good. I held back on the spiciness by only using one jalapeño because I had high hopes the kids would eat it. That did not happen. Next time I would bump up the heat. Served this along with lime, sour cream and chips (and the carne asada) and was a pretty good meal!

Rating 8/10

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Week 42: Sticky

Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake (Kladdkaka)

Thank god this recipe was super easy to make because after a very busy weekend (and a few too many glasses of celebratory wine with friends last night), it was a very lazy Sunday.

This recipe was super easy to make, but I’m glad I checked the comments because I was using a 9inch springform pan and needed a few minutes less for cook time. My inside didn’t look as gooey as the original recipe and I’m not sure if that was because it had cooled down longer, I had cooked it too long or something else. When I warmed up a slice though it did have the gooey texture. The cooled texture was definitely more fudgey. I was too tired to make whipped cream but that would definitely have taken it up a notch. The fresh raspberries were a must! Super easy and delicious so I will definitely be making this again!

Rating 9/10

Week 41: Northern Italy

Homemade Ravioli

I have been wanting to try to make fresh ravioli (well, fresh pasta) forever! I finally got my excuse to try with this challenge!

I broke out the hand crank pasta maker that was gifted (used) to us and unfortunately was rusty in the fettuccine/spaghetti slicing part, but luckily the part I needed for ravioli was all good!

Thai recipe was pretty easy because it uti loaded a food processor for the pasta dough mixing before kneading. The filling was super tasty!
I was kind of in shock of how much excess dough and filling were left over and if I would have been better at ravioli making I probably could have utilized my resources better.

I also totally understand why people utilize a mixer attachment for pasta because the hand crank gets tiresome.

Overall a pretty good recipe!

Rating 7/10

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Week 40: Same Latitude

Coq au Vin with Brown Butter Sage Mashed Potatoes

For the same latitude I went with the 45th parallel and found that it runs through France. I haven’t really done any French cooking so I was excited to try a French recipe.
I am so glad I tried this one! The recipe author admitted that it is not an authentic coq au vin (which can take up to 4 hours), so maybe I’ll try the authentic recipe one day, but for me this recipe was delicious! I would 100% make this again.

Rating 10/10

Week 39: Creative Plating

Caramelized Scallops with Strawberry Salsa

I had to cook two Reddit challenge meals today to catch up on the challenge.
Creative plating was never going to be good for me as I’m horrible at making things look pretty. I tried my best today!
I’m always hesitant to cook seafood. I’m always worried about under cooking so I end up over cooking. I did okay this time thankfully, but plating still wasn’t great. The scallops were yummy though!

Rating 8/10

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Week 38: Wartime

Caramelized Spam Benedict

Welp, this was not the lazy Sunday morning breakfast I was looking for. I always forget how stressed I get poaching eggs, even with my egg poaching cups. One egg did T make it 😢 I should have just fried my eggs.
I went with this recipe for the wartime theme because spam was the first thing that came to mind and I love eggs Benedict. If you make this recipe, do NOT put your cooked spam on a plate! It will stick instantly! I had to juggle moving it from my hot nonstick pan to a cold nonstick pan. The hollandaise was delicious! I would try this recipe again but with fried eggs to save myself the stress.

Rating 8/10

Week 37: Medicinal

Healing Tumeric Cauliflower Soup

Soup Sunday wasn’t as appealing with the super hot weather that moved in, but I figured a healthy meal would be a good idea to start the 2nd week of school (and the impending cold my daughter seems to already be getting).
This was a super easy recipe, but I feel like it was lacking a lot of flavor. I added lime and then tahine in hopes that it would be more flavorful, but not much luck. I followed the recipe seasoning amounts but I just wasn’t getting much flavor. All the reviews were rave reviews so maybe I missed something. If I were to make it again, I would add more salt and maybe some cayenne pepper.

Rating 3/10

Week 36: Reduction

Peach, Basil and Mozzarella Flatbread with a Honey Balsamic Reduction

With starting a new job, at a new school, in a new grade, I am trying to get ahead on the challenges before the first day of school next week. I’ll also be a bridesmaid out of the town the following week, so it’s gearing up to be a crazy few weeks.

This recipe was super easy and quick! It was made even better by fresh from the farmers market peaches and fresh basil from the garden. Next time I would maybe do more mozzarella and a balsamic glaze instead of a reduction. I would maybe even add some prosciutto. This would make a great summer appetizer!

Rating 9/10

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Week 35: Afghan

Afghan Kofta Curry

So my brain was definitely not functioning at full capacity with all the back to school items I was trying to tackle. I did this recipe a week early because I’ll be back full time next week setting up the classroom and learning a new school’s routines.
So I know coriander and cilantro are the same thing, but when I read coriander leaves I blanked out and looked up alternatives and ended up using parsley in the recipe when it called for fresh coriander leaves.
Moving on, I also think the chopped onions for the meatballs need to be minced instead because when I rolled the meatballs the chopped onions made the meatballs awkward.
The recipe turned out really tasty, despite all of my mistakes, but not my favorite meatball or curry flavors. I don’t know if I would make it again.

Rating: 7/10

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Week 34: Chips/Crisps

Loaded Grilled Cheese

I almost missed this recipe and made the next week’s challenge this week. Going to be double cooking this week because I already bought all the ingredients for next week’s challenge. Probably for the best because my new job officially begins full time next week.
Who doesn’t love chips in a sandwich!?! These were a hot mess to try to flip though! I had to keep shoving the chips back in with my spatula.
Overall, a fantastic rendition of a grilled cheese that was super easy to make.

Rating 9/10

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Week 33: Cut Throat Kitchen

Alton Brown’s Sugar Cookies

So this week’s theme was cutthroat kitchen. I feel like I have seen the show, but I couldn’t really remember it. After reading the summaries it might turn into a guilty pleasure show with the writers strike going on.
I just got hired on at a new job so I took the easy route of interpreting the theme. I chose a recipe by Alton Brown (the host of the show), rather than following the show’s typical theme and sabotages. However, I did have a few sabotages. My 4 year old “helper” who chose to blast Kidz Bop throughout baking. These were enough to distract me while putting together the dough (I started mixing in the flour mixture before adding the egg and milk, whoops!). Instead of restarting, I just hoped that it wouldn’t matter too much.
I got a little nervous when I took the dough out of the fridge because it was hard as a rock! It took a little muscle but I managed to roll it out. To add another sabotage, I decided it would be a great time to start sleep training my one year old while I was trying to do this. So in the midst of Ferber method check in times and screaming from my one year old, my four year old and I managed to roll out and cut shapes of the dough. My four year old didn’t get the idea of trying to get as many cookie cuts in per roll out, so there was a lot of re-rolling the dough.
We took a quick Mario kart break and then got to icing. I put the four year old in charge of sprinkles which was a huge mistake. Plus I got food coloring everywhere, but overall not terrible!

They turned out delicious!

Rating 8/10

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Week 32: Okinawan

Okinawan Shoyu Pork

So this recipe was an effort and a half, but not for the reasons you think. First was finding the ingredients. I lucked out finding pork belly at Safeway, but couldn’t find mirin. I looked up substitutes, and saw that I could use sherry or marsala. I managed to find sherry at Trader Joe’s while hunting for wine from the suggestions from this Instagram that reviews cheaper wines and lets you know which are good (Lucialoveswine, I highly suggest you give her a follow).
After the ingredient debacle, I set about trying to make it. It has to cook for an hour and a half so I had to find an afternoon where I would have enough time. All was going well throughout the cook. It smelled delicious and I was pumped to try it. Unfortunately, after it was done cooking and it was time to reduce the sauce, I tried multitasking the kids dinner and absolutely burned the shit out of the pork. Like inedible status. This was the first time I have actually made something for this challenge that couldn’t even be salvaged to eat. To throw salt on my wounds, my daughter kept asking what was wrong with the food. 🤦🏽‍♀️ We ate white rice for dinner.

Take two! I found mirin at World Market while shopping for a wedding shower gift, so I decided to give it another go. I also really didn’t want to have to post a picture of the completely blackened, inedible pork to the challenge board to keep my streak alive.

This time, I cut the pork larger. It was supposed to be 1 inch cubed, and I think the first time I cut it too small leading to the quicker burn before the sauce thickened. I also watched the sauce thickening like a hawk to make sure it didn’t burn.

So glad I tried again! This was delicious!

Rating: 9/10

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Week 31: Mint

Mango Mint Sparkler

This challenge I chose to go with a drink and this one looked delicious. I lucked out with some delicious fresh mint from the farmers market and 2 out of the 3 mangos I got from the store were fresh (unfortunately the 1 I got for the kids was a dud). My problem arose when I actually looked at the directions for making this cocktail. It wasn’t super clear on how to incorporate the mint. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to blend it with the mango purée or just stir it in. I felt like that wouldn’t really put out too much mint flavor if I just stirred it, so I blended the rest of the ingredients (minus the soda). I should have muddled it with the simple syrup in hindsight. My husband wasn’t a fan of the choppy mint in the drink, so I took one for the team and drank both 😂! The flavor was good, I probably wouldn’t make this one again.

Rating 3/10

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Week 30: Invented by Immigrants

Roy Choi’s Mojo Cuban Pork with Mojo Sauce served with Corn on the Cob with Cilantro Avocado Creama

I struggled with coming up with an idea to cook for this challenge. I ended up deciding to cook a recipe by a famous immigrant chef. I decided to go with Roy Choi’s Mojo Cuban Pork as featured in the movie Chef, but then I totally blew it in execution. I’m sure the recipe, when executed correctly, is fantastic! The way I ended up making it was no where up to the recipes standards.
First mistakes were made when getting ingredients. I ordered my groceries on pickup and the substitutions made did not work in my favor. I needed a 4lb boneless pork roast and instead got an 8lb bone in pork roast. With that size, the rest of my marinade ingredients were not able to be doubled to work and I was off on a wing and a prayer!
After marinading overnight, I decided to roast to a pull apart method rather than a sliced roast. About half way through roasting, we got the offer to go out to drinks. With one kid staying at their grandparents, us parents couldn’t miss that opportunity, so I threw it in the slow cooker to finish cooking. By the time we got back from drinks, we had already eaten out, so I pulled the pork and put it in the fridge for the next day.
I used the marinade and drippings to make the mojo sauce and warmed the pork. We had corn and leftover cilantro avocado cream from a previous dinner that I wanted use.
Overall, it was good but not quite as flavorful as I had hoped. That is probably all because of how badly I executed the recipe. I’d like to try again with the correct ingredients and preparation. Sorry Roy Choi! I did not do your recipe justice!

Rating 5/10 (the cook’s fault, not the recipe!)

Week 29: Candying

Hershey Kisses Brownies

For this challenge I wanted to try to use up the ridiculous amount of Hershey kisses I had gotten from students over this school year. I ended up having to buy a little more (totally defeating the purpose of using something I already had) because this recipe called for 93 kisses and I only had 75, but whatever.
I also used this as an activity to keep my daughter busy on the super hot day where we couldn’t be outside. Cooking/baking with her is always a wildcard situation, but I figured with this few of ingredients and steps that it wouldn’t get to stressful. Minus her trying to sneak three kisses to eat while we were unwrapping, this was a relatively easy baking experience with her.
These kids turned out pretty damn good for how easy they were! I would make again! I think this would be amazing over ice cream!

Rating 8/10

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Week 28: Nigerian

African Beef Stew

This recipe was similar to a recipe I did last year that I liked last year. Plus as a bonus, it gave me an excuse to use the Scotch Bonnet sauce I bought for a challenge earlier this year! I was short a few ingredients, so I used some dry herbs rather than fresh but the flavors still turned out really good! I wish I would have let my beef get a little more tender and I would have made jollof rice instead of white rice, but I’ll definitely try this recipe again!

Rating: 7/10

Week 27: Alliteration

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta

I was definitely phoning in the week’s challenge after a busy week of birthday parties and excessive heat. I’ll admit I just could not get creative and think of something good to cook for the theme for alliteration. I legit just started typing in adjectives for meals I like into Pinterest until something popped up that sounded appetizing.
The recipe was super simple. The chicken turned out really tasty but the sauce was kind of meh. Maybe a little extra garlic or Cajun seasoning would have perked it up. Easy weeknight meal for when I’m back at work.

Rating 6/10

Week 26: Served Cold

Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad

I was really excited about this recipe as my husband always requests pasta salads, but I’m not a huge fan. I love elote so I was hoping I finally found my go to pasta salad. As always I ran into some hiccups like my avocado wasn’t ripe yet and I forgot the black beans, but overall this was pretty damn good. Next time I’ll be sure to add both the beans and avocado and I would use roasted corn.

Rating 8/10

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Week 25: Quebecois

Pouding Chômeur (Maple Pudding Cake)

There are people on the Reddit for the cooking challenge who do metas for the year, like “cookies” or “pizza” or “with a drink” (the cookie one is really fun to watch). Next year mine might have to be “cooked with a toddler” since Sloane is constantly trying to cook with me. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s stressful. Today was one of the stressful days with constant “what’s that”, “can I do that” or “can I mix that”. Toss in the still swollen and bruised sprained ankle and you have a “fun” cooking experience. But, summer break has officially began so I can’t complain!

I definitely overcooked the sauce, but for how easy and delicious this was, it didn’t matter. I would definitely cook this again!

Rating 8/10

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Week 24: Most Requested

Baked Ziti

This was one of the first recipes I would consistently make in college, inspired by too many rewatched of The Sopranos (on dvd bc this was before streaming). It was a great college recipe because the ingredients were cheap, it would last for days and actually got better the next day. I debated upgrading the ingredients to make it a fancier version, but I figured it was better to keep it classic.

This was a little more difficult to make mostly due to the fact that I went a little too hard in the staff vs 8th grade volleyball game and ended up spraining my ankle. Muscle memory picked up my high school skills, but my body has aged 20 years and so it was doomed to end badly. Hobbling around with a boot made it a bit more challenging than usual. This was not quite as good as I remember it tasting in college, so next time I may upgrade the ingredients.

Rating: 6/10

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Week 23: Board

Steak Charcuterie Board with Smoked TriTip Creamy Onion Sauce, Chimichurri, Twice Baked Potatoes and Asparagus

I cooked this a week early because of the long weekend. We spent the morning at the farmers market getting fresh herbs and veggies. I had my husband smoke the tri tip while I managed to make the sauces and sides while simultaneously making playdoh dragons and mermaids as demanded by my daughter. Needless to say, by the time it came time to take the picture I was a little exhausted and lacking patience so not my best photography skills.

Week 22: Street Food

Korean Corn Dogs

What an absolute nightmare to make! I don’t know if it was just the recipe or just the end of the long weekend about to go back to work frustration. First, My food processor fell open spilling half the ground onion straws. Then the recipe called for 2 cups flour divided but I initially didn’t see the second time flour was used in a step, and the first step just called for flour so I used all 2 cups. That made the batter waaaaay too thick so I was trying to add more milk (I was out of buttermilk) and it didn’t go well. Then chopping frozen fries was treacherous. The batter wasn’t sticking to the hotdogs. It kept falling off and splashing the burning hot oil all over me. The Korean ketchup turned out pretty good, but I ended up substituting garlic powder and ginger powder for paste because I honestly just couldn’t be bothered at that point. I still can’t believe there was one review that said these were fun to make! Either we have very different ideas of fun or that person is a sociopath. They tasted okay but no where near the effort required.

Rating 0/10

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Week 21: Hot Sauce

Smoked Wings with a Variety of Hot Sauces (a la Hot Ones)

I initially wanted to try to make my own hot sauce, but with the craziness that comes from nearing the end of the school year, I was feeling a little lazy. I also have had a couple of bad experiences dealing with hot peppers without gloves, touching my face and then struggling to cool the burns. I decided to play it safe this time around.
These smoked wings are one of my favorite smoker recipes. Great for a lazy Sunday after Timbers match for my birthday. We usually rotate hot sauces we find at New Seasons (they have a surprisingly huge selection including local ones for being such a small store). This time we went with:
-The Original Japanese Barbecue Sauce (Not a hot sauce technically, but I’ve been wanting to try it. Definitely worth the buy!)
-Melinda’s Original Habanero Pepper Sauce (this stuff is amazing, and not super spicy)
-Bravado Spice Co’s Pineapple and Habanero Hot Sauce (First time trying this one and it was really good! I came back to this one after burning my mouth and the spicier ones.)
-Scotch Boyz’s Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce (I used this in a previous challenge for spicy cumin braised pork and wanted to try it on wings. Wow this was hot!)
-Fire on the Mountain’s Soon to Be Famous Spicy Peanut Sauce (my favorite Fire on the Mountain sauce)
-Nando’s Peri Peri Sauce (I had never tried it before, but have heard it was amazing. Not sure if my mouth was just burnt out but this was real spicy too)

Week 20: Favorite Kitchen Tool

Thai Coconut Carrot Soup (Immersion Blender)

My immersion blender is my absolute favorite kitchen tool! I’m a super picky eater for textures and probably would have saved myself a lot of arguments with my parents if I had simply been able to blend veggies into soups and sauces.

This soup took waaaaaay longer than the 40 minutes the recipe stated and I probably should have done 2tbsp of red curry paste rather than 3, but it was still a great way for me to get some veggies into my diet.

Rating: 7/10

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Week 19: Vietnamese

Bo Luc Lac (Vietnamese Shaking Beef)

This recipe was super easy and even my pickiest eater enjoyed it! I definitely cubed my sirloin a little too large, but it helped keep it nice and medium rare. I didn’t add the 2nd dose of minced garlic after the oil heated up because I just assumed it would burn instantly. Still very tasty!

Rating 9/10

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Week 18: Asparagus

Prosciutto Asparagus Puff Pastry Bundles

Those who know me, know that veggies are not my favorite. Whenever a veggie is the week’s challenge, I’m always looking for recipes that can help me incorporate more veggies into my diet (usually those recipes involve cheese or roasting with a lot of seasoning). This was a super easy recipe to put together and would make a great brunch appetizer!

Rating 7/10

Week 17: Midnight Snack

Street Tacos

.My view of a midnight snack is food I can get leaving the bars, and one of the best of those is street tacos! Apparently I already miss all the tacos from my trip to Mexico!
This recipe was so easy and so delicious! I will definitely be making this one again!

Rating: 9/10

Street Tacos

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Week 16: Dumplings

Jumbo Butternut Squash Ravioli with Pesto

I went the ravioli route for the dumpling challenge. I love Rana’s butternut squash ravioli and was hoping I could duplicate it. This recipe suggested a shortcut by using wonton wrappers, which I thought would make this a quick recipe. It still took quite awhile to assemble and I did not like the wonton flavor. The butternut squash filling was really good though, so I froze half of it to save to try with real pasta dough. I also didn’t do the Kale pesto the recipe called for but instead went with a creamy pesto.

Rating 4/10 (but the filling was a 7/10)

Jumbo Butternut Squash Ravioli with Kale Pesto

Week 15: Olives

Olive Oil Orange Cakes

I’m not the biggest fan of olives, so for this week’s challenge I took the olive oil route. I had never heard of olive oil cake. This was incredibly simple to put together and I got to use the family olive oil. I was out of powdered sugar so I tried a tip I saw online to blend up regular sugar, but it did not have the desired result. This still turned out delicious and incredibly moist!

Rating 8/10

Olive Oil Orange Cake

Week 14: Animal Kingdom

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

I decided to get ahead in my weeks for the cooking challenge since we’ll be in Mexico for a week and we’re on spring break. Sloane “helped” with the mixing and decorating so it made for a fun spring break activity when the weather still feels like winter. Adam requested his without the coconut flakes so those ones looked less “fuzzy”. These would make for a cute Easter potluck addition but otherwise, a lot of work for not being that great tasting.

Rating 5/10

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

Recipe Link

Week 13: Patagonian

Chimichurri Flank Steak

I’m glad I read the reviews on this before making, because the Chimichurri recipe definitely was too oily. I just kept on adding parsley and cilantro until I reached the consistency I wanted. Because of the that, I ended up with a lot of sauce, but I’m excited to try it on some smoked wings later this week.

Rating 7/10

Chimichurri Flank Steak

Week 12: Three Sisters

Black Bean and Butternut Squash Casserole

I had no idea what Three Sisters meant as a theme when it was posted. Turns out it is the three main agricultural crops of various Indigenous people of North America: squash, maize and beans.
I debated adding ground beef, but figure it probably wouldn’t hurt to go without meat for one meal.
This tasted delicious! Would definitely make again!

Rating 8/10

  1. Black bean and butternut squash casserole

    Black bean and butternut squash casserole

Week 11: Cult Classic

Philly Cheesesteak

I love Philly cheesesteaks so I was pumped for an excuse to make one. I added mama lils peppers because I love adding those to anything! The bread to meat ratio was way off, so next time I would double the amount of meat. Overall, flavors were good!

Rating: 7/10

Philly Cheesesteak

Week 10: Substition

Sweet Potato Shepherds Pie

This tastes so much better than it looks! I got on autopilot and roasted the sweet potatoes instead of baking them which led to some charring and the darker color than the original recipe. Next time I will double the amount of sweet potatoes to make a thicker layer topping!

Rating: 9/10

Week 9: Palestinian

Palestinian Red Lentil and Squash Soup

This ended up being a lot of work on a very tired Sunday after a late night out. The soup’s flavor was good but I wish it would have been thicker. The croutons were yummy! Overall I don’t think I’d make it again.

Rating 5/10

Week 8: Celebrity Chef

Kwame Onwuachi’s Spicy Cumin-Braised Pork

I love top chef! I loved Kwame on his season and as a judge on Top Chef Portland. I had to buy Green Seasoning and Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce for this but with how good this turned out, I am pumped to find other recipes to use them in. This recipe was so simple, I am definitely adding it to the rotation.

Week 7: Dyed

Layered Tie Dye Naked Cake

I had much higher hopes for my cake decorating skills, but this turned into a major flop. I settled on two layers because the four layers were falling apart. This was also waaaaay too sweet. I definitely liked the colors so I would like to try some other dyed dessert. Cupcakes might be a better choice for next time.

Rating: 4/10


Easy Layered Tie Dye Naked Cake

Week 6: Icelandic

Skyr cheesecake

This was not too difficult to make but my decorating skills could use some work. I still haven’t tried this yet because I let it cool on the fridge overnight and decorated in the morning. Waiting until a socially acceptable time to eat cheesecake and then I’ll update my post with a rating.

Update after eating: This was delicious!

Rating: 8/10

Skyr Cheesecake

Week 5: Mustard

Honey Mustard Pork Chops and Potatoes Skillet

I usually hate mustard (aside from a very select few honey mustards), so I was not looking forward to this challenge. This recipe was easy to make and surprisingly I really liked it! I would definitely add this to the weeknight dinner rotation.

7/10 Rating

Honey Mustard Pork Chops and Potatoes Skillet

Week 4: Instant

Instant Pot General Tso’s Chicken

After a very long week of work and even longer weekend with sick kids, I was very glad this week’s theme was instant.

This recipe was super easy. Just gather the ingredients dump it in the instant pot. It was good, but wish it was spicier. After the pic, I added momofuku chili crunch which helped. I’d make this again as an easy weeknight meal, but nothing to write home about.

Rating: 6/10

Week 3: Oaxacan

Chicken Mole with Homemade Mole Sauce

I have been wanting to make a mole sauce for a long time, so I was excited about this one! I had made shortcut Mole sauce recipes before, but have really wanted to try something closer to authentic. Beware: this recipe did take me about 3 hours to put together, but it was totally worth it! It made a double batch of sauce, so freezing the second half to try over smoked pulled pork.

Rating: 9/10

Week 2: Cabbage

Air Fryer Egg Rolls

First off, I hate cabbage, so I was not looking forward to this challenge. I even hate cabbage as a decorative part of my plate so I will legitimately pick strands of cabbage off when they have it on the plate. I figured fried food would mask the cabbage taste and smell.

Another problem is I only do delivery of pickup groceries. I could not get egg roll wrappers through either of those so I settled on wonton wrappers. I had to layer 4 wonton wrappers for each egg roll so they may have been bigger than the recipe had intended and I skipped the recipes Chinese 5 spice based on reviews. Overall, not too shabby or difficult to make!

8/10 rating

Week 1: Rainy Day

Cider Braised Pot Roast with Caramelized Onions and Butternut Squash

First up for this year’s challenge! I swapped out the original recipe of riced cauliflower for polenta because I’m not sure how I feel about riced cauliflower and didn’t want to mess up a New Year’s Day hungover meal with something healthy. I added sweet potatoes because other reviews had mentioned that they did.

A little rough to get going cooking today after a late night for New Years Eve, but I forced myself to try and be a little productive today. When searing the roast I realized my Dutch oven was a little small for it and I didn’t get the sear I was hoping for. Just more motivation for me to buy a new enameled Dutch oven the next time they go on sale. It also took a lot longer to caramelize the onions than the recipe stated so I got it into the oven late.

This recipe was well worth the cook time! The combo of sweet potatoes and butternut squash was so good!

I’m still not great at food photography, so the picture doesn’t do it justice.

Score: 9/10


2023 r/52weeksofcooking challenge

Last year was my first year trying the Reddit 52 weeks of cooking challenge. I posted pics of each of my submissions to my Instagram stories, but found it was hard to go back through to remember my favorites and recipe notes. This year I will post here with links to the recipe and notes on cooking and how it tasted. Hopefully along the way I’ll get better at taking pictures of food too! Wish me luck!

52 Weeks of Cooking Challenge on Reddit