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Leadership & Teams Coach
Helping Leaders of color ditch the stress, lead boldly, and build effective, thriving teams!
Helping Leaders of color ditch the stress, lead boldly, and build effective, thriving teams!
We know that there are not enough BIPOC in leadership and we hear that companies can't find them.
Well let me tell you... they are often right there, in those organizations.
But First-Gen/BIPOC leaders often:
〰️ Find themselves having to figure it out on their own.
〰️ They find out that they are the only one or one of few.
〰️ Have a supervisor who doesn't understand their unique experiences.
〰️ Experience racism and workplace trauma.
〰️ Carry trauma and responsibility from their family and cultural expectations.
I know that First-Gen and BIPOC are born leaders!
Our lives experiences have prepared us to lead in exceptional ways.
Often we just need a little support and guidance.
Coaching and training with me is about identifying the roadblocks getting in the way of First-Gen/BIPOC leaders, learning ways to lean in to your assets and cultural wealth and developing new skills that enhance what you already bring to the table.
I am a first-generation Chicana, the eldest daughter of immigrant parents from Mexico, and a proud mama to a 1-year-old. Born and raised in the Bay Area but very rooted in my culture and costumbres (customs).
For over 15 years I've worked advocating for women and communities of color, a little over 10 of those years as strategic leader in management roles.