Only for capcut
Downloading fonts
Click download on da font and which 1 u want, click open file,install and then export it 2 phonto
Avocado creamy,cheri,chicken pie,coolvetica,fresh lychee,hug me tight,halloween,keep on trucking,lemon milk,letters for learners,love,rainyhearts,sweet talk. Tut on how to download fonts: click download,open file,install and export it to phonto
Make the overlays on phonto, then save it as a png, go onto capcut, click a video of your idol, add the colouring and then click overlay and add the picture you made and click splice then click filter and BOOM! And I wont post free overlay texts on this, I think I can do it later soz
Follow my tiktok @sage..charzz pls give credits for the colouring u dont have to but it would be nice and make my account larger