Taiwanese Turkey Rice
Recipes we referenced and info about the history of the dish.
A little bit of miso history, a little bit of how-to.
Inspired by Yakitori...
but with much less precision, attention to detail, and knife skills...as you'll see from these two profiles of Yakitori restaurants.
Torisho Ishii 鳥匠いしい
Grilling as fine art in this profile of a Yakitori restaurant in Osaka, from the platform that provides their reservation service.
"At first sight, grilling looks like something that anyone can do, but in fact only a veteran shokunin (craftsman) can manage the fine adjustment of the temperature and use of the uchiwa (Japanese fan)," says Chef Kono.
Yakitori Recipe
We referenced this recipe from Just One Cookbook when prepping our tare.
Rillettes (Atlas Obscura)
"With a nickname like “pig jam,” rillettes don’t always receive the sort of accolades they deserve."
Five pounds of garlic scapes, three ways —
Brined, kimchi'ed and stir-fried.
Beef Ribs + Cold Dishes
Sourcing was difficult on this one. We'll add to it as we find more info.
Green beans & pork steaks on the grill & more
It rained, so we grilled. And baked. And folded.
Memphis-Style Dry Ribs, Bibimbap Dirty Rice, Soft Sourdough Rolls.
These links are just a few we've found in our online travels, if you have more accurate or representative resources, please share!
It's All in the Rub: How to Make Real-Deal Memphis-Style Dry Ribs
The ingenious mind and method behind these fennel-y, juicy Greek + Cajun ribs.
From Trash to Treasure: The History of Barbecued Ribs
A little insight into how pork ribs came to be a BBQ staple.
The History of U.S. Rice Production - Part 1
Enslaved Africans contributed valuable farming knowledge that helped establish rice as a staple crop and key element of food culture across the U.S.A.
Dirty Rice; Dirty History
We weren't able to find a more in-depth source for this (or, indeed, one with references at all), and we aren't familiar with this author. If you have a better source, please DM us!
Historical and biological aspects of bibimbap, a Korean ethnic food
Interesting peek into the disputed origins of bibimbap, with some info about regional styles.
Sourdough Soft Rolls
To-die-for pillowy pull-apart rolls with just a hint of sourdough tang.