Thank you for making it here~ I’m Samantha! I grew up in a super small town in Northern California where I was raised by two huge hearted amazing parents whom I have the blessing of sharing with my 6 little siblings♥️ Always knowing that I have not only another pair of eyes, but 6 pair looking up to me has been such a life lasting motivator. Between 2012 & 2013, I had 3 traumatic experiences and ended up hitting what I called rock bottom. One of my little brothers who was four at the time came to me and said “can you save yourself because I cry with mom.” Since then I have grown & I continue to grow. Every. Single. Day. 🌱🌿 Along side me is my boyfriend & our pity 🐾 Currently I am a behavior interventionist with behavior challenged 2nd-8th graders💚 A janitor at night & a business partner all day! ⭐️ASPIRING FOSTER MAMMA! That’s me🌻•Have Faith •Believe in Yourself • You Are Enough

Samantha Macylin Iovino~Full

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