What Lights Me Up 🌹🌹

Bridging the worlds of business, entrepreneurship and spirituality

I’ve been immersed in spirituality, transformation, wellness and personal growth for the last 40 years but what excites me now is something I call multidimensional wealth creation..... Now more than ever we need to bring the worlds of matter and spirit together so we can live from wholeness and integration enjoying ALL the abundance Life has to offer.

I have 2 passions in life... helping people create an online freedom lifestyle and supporting them to break free of all the reasons why they think they can't have that! 😇

And as a certified Law of Attraction and Laser coach, Tony Robbins Senior Leader and general Lover of Life I support people to break through walls of limitations and step into a world of infinite possibility, creating abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives ~ health, spirituality and finances.

Multidimensional Wealth! 💰💐

I currently live on the Sunshine Coast of Australia enjoying a life of abundance and joy surrounded by family and friends, working from my laptop and savoring the journey of growth and prosperity it affords me each and every day 💝

I’m also available for 1:1 Laser Coaching sessions which are perfect to work swiftly and surgically on a specific issue which is stopping you moving forward in perfect alignment.

You might not have any idea what’s blocking you but I guarantee that in 30 minutes or less we’ll get to the root and remove the obstruction. 😇

Then if you so desire you can book a series of sessions .. optimally no less than a month (4) but generally three months (12) where we can explore more deeply other areas of your life once the brakes are off! 🏎


There’s never been a better time to create a high profit business online and leave a legacy. 💝

How would you like to UNLOCK your INFINITE POTENTIAL FOR FREEDOM and create your dream lifestyle ~ all by leveraging the power of the internet and social media.? 💫💫


Sound too good to be true?

Well I’m just a regular person looking to empower ordinary people to do extraordinary things as I believe we ALL have the seeds of greatness within us and I'm no different to you.

In what most people would consider to be "middle age" I went through a profound financial melt down, losing everything I'd built up around me in what I thought was a bulletproof lifestyle. It also made me super determined never to find myself in the same boat again, and to do my best to prevent others from going through financial hardships too.

So what's a girl to do if there's no back up plan, no retirement fund and no partner to lean on?

Well you either curl up and give up, or if you have an open mind, you investigate possibilities and options!

I’ve never been one to just admit defeat! ☄️

There are no special, magical abilities or characteristics that set apart those that are successful, other than the fact they made a conscious decision to explore outside of the box and the road less travelled.

So that's what I did....

I checked out the online space, and what I found blew me away!

Most people have a misconception about working online and simply don’t believe it can happen for them, .... which is of course a complete fallacy.

The reality is that everyone who succeeds online is just a typical everyday person.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, your tech skills, your education or your background.

Nevertheless the most important thing I've discovered is that you DO need to find someone who knows what they're talking about to guide you through the highways and byways.

As Tony Robbins says, "SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES"....

Online success isn’t something that just happens by chance, and although it’s definitely not rocket science it IS a science and an art nonetheless. 😇

So that’s where The Freedom Era comes in.

The Freedom Era is one of the largest global communities for new and aspiring entrepreneurs and is a training ground for those of us who are impact driven, abundance minded and here to cut a wide swathe.

If you’re like us, you know you have so much more to give.. you want to grow, to be all that you can be, to contribute to worthy causes, to live abundantly and have an overflow of wealth to be able to live generously and to live large.

You refuse to die with your songs still inside you.

We’re all about developing our inner essence so that our outer world expands exponentially so we place a high emphasis on personal development, spiritual growth and being part of a community who share similar values.

The Freedom Era is a space where you’ll develop in all areas of your life as we take you through a sophisticated program of inner and outer transformation which I reckon is like an online multidimensional wealth creation university focusing on the 7 pillars of how to build a high profit high impact business. 💥

I could write volumes about how proud I am to be a part of this collective but if you’d like to see for yourself a good place to start is by downloading a free pdf guide ...


I’m a published author 💥

Download a FREE chapter 📚

Earlier this year I was approached by Betsy Chasse, the producer and director of the movie ‘What The Bleep’ to contribute a chapter to a forthcoming book called ‘Stories of Becoming Myself’ and of course I agreed as we all have a book inside us they say.

It’s a collaborative compilation of powerful stories by women from around the world about our journey to authenticity.

What does it take for someone to beat the odds and really come into their own? The journey is never easy but it’s the only one that counts!

I almost bailed several times as the journey of extracting my story until it met with the editors’ approval and the texture of the anthology was long, winding and sometimes arduous.

I had to sorely surrender my ego multiple times but in the end everyone was satisfied and I can now say I’m a published author..

I feel an autobiography might eventuate in the fullness of time..

In the meantime if you’d like to download a free copy of my chapter, It Ain’t Over Till The Fat Lady Sings, click the link below and I’ll shoot you off a copy.

Love to know what you think.. .. unless you hate it of course!


Whether they know it or not.. 😇

In 2009 I decided to enroll in a Las of Attraction online coach training certification because at the time something patently wasn’t working in my life!

I was teetering on the threshold of losing everything.. my savings, my income,, my home.. but worst of all my sanity and peace of mind.

The movie The Secret was all the rage and I was obviously missing the point somewhere as I was watching my life go down the toilet and nothing I could do to stop it apparently.

What was I manifesting and why?

I figured that at the end of the certification I’d have some immediate tools I could use with people and eventually set myself up as a certified coach..... but my first client was always myself. 🥳

Since then I’ve personally come to believe that there’s a LOT more to manifesting and vibrational frequency than was taught in that training.. but it was a good introduction and I greatly enjoyed transforming lives with the skills I mastered.

But as someone who’s always in search of “the edge”, when I discovered LASER COACHING I totally resonated with being able to execute a transformation in someone’s life in 30 minutes or less.

It doesn’t mean that the session will be any less effective because it’s shorter than many longer ones. On the contrary there’s no time for rambling and I always get my clients’ agreement beforehand to allow me to cut them short if they get lost in “the story”. 😇

In fact prior to working together I always go through a series of agreements and commitments on both sides so we’re on the same page and there are no unforeseen misunderstandings.. (as far as we can cover all bases! 😀)

We go deep and combined with my other skills the sessions are always ‘surgical’ and transformational.

Each 30-minute session is highly focused on an issue or challenge that’s presently a road block in your life, whether it be your relationships, finances or any other area. Then together we swiftly gather all the information related to the issue you’re experiencing using questions that will certainly challenge you to go deep inside and help you find your own answers and solutions right away.

-Identify the obstacle or trigger

-Gain clarity on the situation

-Reframe the issue

-Recognise limiting beliefs and reframe them also

-Discuss options and different perspectives to install new empowering beliefs

-Transform doubts, blocks, and fears

-Find solutions and alternatives

-Co-create a plan for immediate action

-Implement accountability

Then if you choose to, and we’re well suited to continue working together, I’ll invite you to book a series of sessions so we can continue our exploration and your expansion and transformation.

As a prelude to this I invite you to book a complimentary 20 minute discovery session before we move forward.

And if you’d like to read some testimonials from happy former clients, scroll to the following page..

Read what others have to say..

I met Sandhan through her podcast Expanding Times at a time when I was in a very dark place.

I’d recently separated from my husband and was dealing with his hoarding to sell the family home while trying to extract myself from his mental and emotional control. Unsurprisingly, my kids were playing up and I was struggling to focus at work. It was the worst time of my life.

I was feeling excessively overwhelmed and hopeless.

If I saw my reality in a soap opera, I would never have believed it likely in real life.

I had no sense of joy or flow in any aspect of my life.

I engaged Sandhan as my spiritual coach amid everything in my life falling apart. It was great to have someone conscious and separate from my situation, to stand in my corner and actually see me, guide me and give me the tools to help me find my way out of my negative spiral.

Sandhan supported the start of my multi-year journey, helping me see my blind spots, reframing my context, provided loving support and guidance and giving me a gentle nudge when I needed it. In hindsight, I can see everything in my life needed to fall apart so I could imagine and create something new.

It’s been many years since I worked with Sandhan. My life now is so completely different, it’s almost unrecognisable. It feels like my old life belonged to someone else. I am stronger, more self-aware and have built my manifestation muscle. I have a loving self-aware partner who I think was made for me, we run a successful business together, and travel the world together (well we did before Covid19).

The kids are settled and happy, and we have an abundant life together.

Things are not perfect - what does that even mean? But I’ve learned how to accept and be grateful for everything in my life. I’m conscious of how I want to show up, and how to keep my energy high to bring more positive energy into my life.

My work with Sandhan was foundational in helping me find my current path and manifest the life I want to live.


A recent exchange with a wise wise new friend..

Who am I and what am I here for?

Over the weekend I had the great pleasure of being on a zoom call with Daniel Bruce Levin... a truly magical and deep conversation. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

I would hardly call it an interview as we went deep deep deep in the first few minutes!
I was moved before we even started talking and had to ask for a few moments to compose myself 😇

If you’d like to get to know us both better, as we discuss “Life The Universe and Everything” ... (well not actually everything as we only had under an hour) .. 😂😂

.... sit yourself down when you won’t be interrupted and listen.

We even talked about what it means to truly listen.. 💗


And to connect with Daniel here’s his info....

Or to purchase The Mosaic go to:

I’ll be buying a copy for sure 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

“ ‪I thoroughly enjoyed this call!‬


“I was hesitant to listen on my walk as I wanted something high vibe to get me pumped!‬

‪I was hooked in the first couple of minutes... the book sounds amazing!‬

‪Then there was the call 🤩‬

‪Great questioning 🙏🏽‬

‪Had me on every level 🤣

‪Throughout the call there was so much learning then near the end when Danny shared about his daughter!!!

Wow 🤩 had me in tears!

We’ve got so much learning without words 🙏🏽💕‬

‪Thank you for sharing 💕” Ali Walters‬

What does it mean to live a life of freedom?

Immerse Yourself NOW
