So I get more than 150 characters to introduce myself
Hello People of the Yard!!!!
If you're reading this, Welcome 🤗🤗🤗
I'm Sarah-beth (coined from Sarah and Elizabeth who are my grandmothers), a Christian Nigerian Medical Doctor living in Nigeria, a Lifestyle, Beauty and UGC creator, a YouTuber, Podcaster, E-book author, Face Model, Daughter, Sister, Cousin and Friend.
I started creating content in 2020 as an outlet from med school stress. Content creation has since become a lot more than an outlet for me.
For a few fun facts about me....
- I'm probably "shy-er" than you think
- I'm a Southpaw
- I'm an MK (Missionaries Kid)
- I love rain ( petrichor actually)
- My siblings and I were homeschooled by our parents till we finished primary school
- I'm not a picky eater. If it is not alive or poisonous, I'm going to try it
Well, I definitely used much more than 150 characters 😂😂😂
Look forward to sharing more 💕&🔥