I would spend all my time reading books if I could …but I get very easily distracted(ever read a single page 10 times before you realize it?). I’ve traded my boxes and boxes of books for audio listening. It’s helped me finish so many more books ….as well as colors long walks, drives & mundane chores in a different way. Here are some of my absolute favorite go-to’s:

The Big Leap

Self-sabotage is more rampant than we know… especially as we get closer to our dreams. Facing it all head-on is what I’ve learned from this book.


This book was a straight sandbagger.. I had no clue what to expect yet it became easily one of my favorite books. We recieve SO much content and knowledge from so many different places these days and learning the value and how to properly channel it is wildly useful and mind opening.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Hands down one of the most life changing books for me about reprogramming behavior. Very very powerful.

Rising Strong

Are people doing the best that they can with what they have in their hands?
One of the most profound answers to that question in this book.

Mary Magdalene Revealed

Whatever place you are in your spiritual journey this book seems to be quite the missing piece. Finally explained so much of what I felt was missing in what I had learned growing up in the church. It’s all about oneness.

Leadership and Self-Deception

We justify so many things which changes our posture on how we view people. This book gave such a fresh perspective on not viewing people and situations through our own excuses to treat them poorly…was honestly a bit mind blowing.

Letters to a Young Poet

An old friend gave me this book and I was mind blown how I had never heard of it… cried the minute I started reading it. It’s all about solitude and going inward for all areas of life especially in creating.

The Obstacle Is The Way

Everything is for us if we can see it and use it that way… especially the obstacles.

A Return to Love

The gold standard book on how to love in every form, taken from a Course in Miracles.