Sarah Brown

Hair & Beauty

Hello everyone! I’m currently enrolled at Paul Mitchell for cosmetology. I am currently working at Session Salon in Kansas City as a receptionist. Once I am graduated and pass my state boards, I hope to take on a position as a stylist at Session.

I wanted to create this blog to help build my future, and share my passion for Hair and Beauty. I hope you all can tag along with me on my journey!

Why I chose Cosmetology

Many people want to know why I chose Cosmetology as my career choice. Well, here we go. I’ve always had a passion in beauty and making other people feel beautiful and also making myself feel beautiful. When I got out of high school I thought I was dead set on Respiratory Therapy as my career. I went to juco’s, then transferred to The University of Kansas. I thought I had it all figured out, then when I was accepted at KU med, I realized this just wasn’t my dream and that I wanted to do what I am good at. Makeup, hair, etc it all just makes me so happy, makes me feel beautiful. My boyfriend always tells me, “you look beautiful without makeup, you don’t need it!” I don’t wear makeup to impress anyone or myself, I wear makeup because it makes me feel beautiful, that doesn’t mean I don’t feel beautiful without makeup it’s just a different feeling. Hair to me is so interesting, the coloring, extensions, styles and so much more! This is my story of how I decided Cosmetology was suited for me!

My Favorite Hair Products

My top recommendations for my followers

Hey everyone, so we all know it’s high maintenance to take care of our hair. Whether that be because we color our hair or we just want products that make our hair look beautiful.

So, I’m going to go in detail what each product I use and how I use it.

If you would like to purchase these products you can message me or go to Session Salon in WestWood!

Absolute Repair 10 in 1

This product is HOLY GRAIL. Detangles, color protect, repair and sooo much more. This product is used right after you get out of shower spray all over your head and then brush throughly.

Volumetry Root Spray

This product is best for people who don’t like washing their hair as much. You spray this product (after your 10 in 1) right on your roots!

Olaplex Bond Smoother

If you don’t have a blow dry cream, you NEED this product. I used to never blow dry my hair after the shower and so my stylist told me to get this product it’s literally amazing, it helps protect your hair from heat, smoothes out your blow dry and leaves your hair sleek and shiny. Only use a dime size and go through mid strand to ends.

Infinium 4

If you want a strong hold hairspray that doesn’t leave that crunchy feeling, this is the product for you! You can spray before you do iron work or after! Spray all over head.

Next Day Hair

If you want texture and hold to your curls and straight hair this product is the one! Just spray this all over your head!

Morning After Dust

Not your typical dry shampoo! This also gives some boost to your hair! I love the smell of this product and how it’s not powder like on your hair and leave residue.

What it’s like being a student at Paul Mitchell

How to overcome stress and anxiety

The beginning of September, I remember being anxious that I won’t be “good enough,” or “pretty enough” for Cosmetology. The first day of school I walked in and my stomach dropped, I saw so many pretty girls, and in my head I automatically think I am not good enough. I suffer with anxiety and stress everyday. So sitting in a room with people I have never met made me so anxious and scared. The first week I made friends so quickly, I felt secure knowing I am not alone. First 6 weeks go by and next thing I know I’m dealing with real color, cutting, and so much more. It’s becoming real and it’s scary, it’s scary that I’ll actually be doing this on a live guest and if I mess up I could lose a guest. This week my class was on the floor and taking clients for the first time ever. Boy was I nervous, the first person I cut hair on I messed up a little but nothing dramatic. I thought that cut was the end of my career. I thought to myself “maybe hair school isn’t for me” (dramatic right?). Being a hairstylist is so much work, luckily haven’t ruined anyone’s hair but that goes through a stylists head everyday. Yesterday I was talking to a stylist who is already license and has been taking clients for quite some time. She told me “that feeling never goes away” the feeling of being scared to ruins someone’s hair, the feeling of your client putting their trust in your hands to make them feel beautiful and not to ruin their hair. I keep telling myself that I’m just learning still and that I will not be perfect. Try not to be hard on yourself, once you give yourself credit you will be less stress and confident to do your clients hair. It takes practice and I know that the more practice I get the better I will be. It may feel overwhelming and hard but it’s worth it.

Daily / Night Out Makeup

Makeup I apply to my face

Hello everyone, today I’m going to share my favorite products I use on my face. I will also include why I enjoy that product so much and where I purchased the product. I hope you all enjoy!

Milk Hydro Grip Primer

Before I put any makeup on I have to use a primer! I love this primer because I really soaks into my skin and like the product says it really GRIPS my makeup. If you have oily skin just as bad as I do, this product is for YOU!

Too Faced Born This Way Concealer

Instead of using a foundation, I use this like I would wear foundation. To me, foundation is too heavy on my skin and I don’t like that much makeup on my face. So this is my “foundation.”

Fenty Matte Contour Stick

If you’re looking for a good cream contour stick, this one is the best! It goes on smoothly and blends so well. I like this product because it is a matte finish and looks natural on.

Milk Cream Blush

Lately I started using cream blush instead of powder blush. I am so glad I started because I will never go back. This gives me a dewy finish and I enjoy my finish look so much more. Blush is my absolute favorite thing and this product makes me love blush more! I use the color “Werk.”

Anastasia Dip Brow

I have been using this product for a few years now, I haven’t really looked into anything else to use. I love this because you can feather it into your brows and make it look sharp! I also have the dip brow brush to make it more sharp and natural.

Milk Loose Powder

This powder is such a natural, loose product. I really like natural makeup because I can build instead of feeling it’s too heavy on my skin and feel miserable all day. This also controls oily skin, and there is so much product!

HourGlass Unlocked Mascara

AHHH my favorite mascara I have ever had!!! Throw away your Better than Sex mascara and go buy this! After my last set of lash extensions, you could barely see my lashes and I was so insecure about it... then I saw this came out and wanted to try it. I ready so many good reviews on it and I bought it and have loved it ever since.