Sarah Buck Marketing

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Hi there👋🏻 I’m Sarah Buck, a marketing coordinator, social media manager, and small business enthusiast.

I’m here to help your business behind-the-scenes so that you can focus on and thrive at what you do best!

Are you passionate about what you do, but struggle to think of content ideas for your industry? Or do you find yourself too busy with your business to regularly post and engage with potential customers on social media? Maybe you’re preoccupied with your in-person customers and forget to reply to online inquiries? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve just found your solution! I offer services to improve all of these situations.

I offer digital marketing services like social media management, email marketing, strategy calls, and beyond! I also offer digital organization services to help your business run more smoothly, like email/ dm management and calendar management.

Overall, my services strive to help your small business with your customer journey process through social media and digital organization📲

Not sure where to start? You can fill out my client discovery survey, book a 1:1 call, or email me for more information. Each business situation is unique, so I can recommend different services/ packages based on your goals and needs.

My LinkedIn

focus on what you do best, and leave me the rest!

🌟Make 2021 Your Year🌟