Sarah Chavez

Chicana, writer, & death positive advocate working to help people live & die better.

Sarah is a former historian and museum curator whose current work at Order of the Good Death, and the anti-racist nonprofit she co-founded, the Collective for Radical Death Studies, focuses on ways to help people live and die better.

🎙️Her work, which includes co-hosting podcasts Death in the Afternoon and Bone & Sickle, and writing for popular YouTube series Ask a Mortician, weaves together the relationship between death and food, rituals, folklore, horror media, culture and society.

💀As a founder of the Death Positive movement she hopes to encourage honest and compassionate conversations about death.

🌿When she dies she wants to be composted.

We Need To Talk About Death

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Talks, Tours, Courses & More


Death Salon: Getty Villa - From Ancient Necropolis to LA's Metropolis

In collaboration with Getty Villa curators and chefs I created a menu of funerary and death ritual foods, accompanied by detailed description cards outlining the history of each food and selected ingredients.

External link

Radical Horrors!

This month long course examined how historically marginalized communities experience death and dying through the lens of horror films and media.

Radical Horrors!

Death Witch

Presentation I created in collaboration with Now Age Travel for Haus Witch on the feminist and death positive history of Halloween, followed by an interactive walking experience through Salem, MA led by Now Age Travel.

Death Witch

Dia de Muertos: A History of Reistance

In this popular talk for the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, I discuss how modern Día de Muertos traditions are connected to a rich legacy of resistance which help to define identity, cultivate community, and help to decolonize the borders created by colonization, between the living and the dead.

Dia de Muertos: A History of Reistance

Forget Me Not: Death and Mourning in the Victorian Era

For several years I curated a pop-up exhibit using artifacts from my private collection and gave talks on death and mourning in the Victorian era for Workman and Temple Family Homestead Museum in El Campo Santo.

Forget Me Not: Death and Mourning in the Victorian Era

Feeding the Dead: Food in Death Rituals, Ancestor Worship, and Festivals

An illustrated lecture on the many ways people around the world have used food to honor and communicate with their dead.

Feeding the Dead: Food in Death Rituals, Ancestor Worship, and Festivals

Settling the Unsettled: Decolonizing Ghost Lore

A talk on Guatemalan film La Llorona, which uses traditional folklore to address real events of the genocide of Indigenous people and Colonialism over the past few decades. I discuss the indigenous roots of the spirit’s archetype, her part in modern Latina identity, and how traditional Latino ghost stories illustrate that most of these stories are warnings about colonization and white supremacy.

Settling the Unsettled: Decolonizing Ghost Lore


For press requests, events, writing, & more