Jessenia Snow

I’m not perfect, But I’m perfectly Me.

29 years and I haven’t figured myself out I know people often have their opinions & that’s okay . We all judge, but do we have all the facts to make a good judgment on someone or situations? Have you walked beside the person you judging . The way someone is and what they do does that bother you ,Does it shake you up ? For what reason does it bother you? I ask that to say this “ you aren’t content with yourself “. Slowly and surly as I figure myself out on my spiritual journey I have to unlearn what I have learned to relearn what I need to learn. What got me here will not get me where I want to be.

I have decided to blog to express my feelings and insights on the things and situations that I see others going through. I don’t have answers to things, but I do have the heart and understanding to be that sight of Relief for others.

I am just as thankful to have those around me that push me with their love and understanding. I am thankful for the the patients of those around me, because to love me is to understand me and with patients you would only be able to see and receive that from me.